Miss Jensen
Miss Jensen

Miss Jensen

简介 Miss Jensen
READ ME or at the very least my turn offs!! No longer have an Instagram I got banned so anyone you see with my pictures it is not me! I am simply here to share with you all videos and pictures that encapsulates aspects of my sex life with my partner Mr Jensen, as much as we are both flattered by people wanting to join us we're both really selfish and we like it just the two of us, we are flirts sure but we are just for each other. I love a good chin wag me so feel to message me for a chit chat or to offer suggestions and feedback on the stuff I post, whilst I am open to suggestions I do pride myself on genuine content and so I will only put out things I enjoy doing or have an interest in trying. This is a porn site sure but I am a fountain of fun facts and semi decent jokes so rather than i wanna bone ya, try sending me a joke or a fun fact you may know!! In my opinion having sex is the best way to procrastinate. And I really really love to procrastinate... And masturbate, I procrastibate
感情状态: 非单身
喜欢: 男女通吃
性别: 女性
出身地: United Kingdom
身高: 5' 9" (175cm)
种族: White
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: Yes
兴趣爱好: NSFW hobbies include seeing how quickly I can get Mr Jensen hard whilst out in public, I'm also quite the fan of blow jobs in public. SFW hobbies include knitting, can only do scarves though at the moment and I also enjoy writing, short stories and screenplays.
会勾起我性欲的是: Hair pulling, spanking, choking, role play ( mostly), kissing, being on the giving end of rimming, finger bangs, man hands (Judd Trump proably has the nicest hands that come to mind), german accents, men in suits, definitely a boobs > butt sort of gal, fishnets
会浇灭我性欲的是: Facials (my facial video was my first and last one, it was a case of can't fully knock it til I've tried it) and any talk of jizzing on my glasses, sexting strangers, overly sexual messages in general really, dick pics, wanking videos, being rimmed. For reals do not ask me for a dick rating because the answer will be meh, sure dicks are fun to fuck and suck but they just ain't pretty and visuals alone offer me nothing!! Oh and a lack of respecting boundaries is a huge turn off for me.
视频播放量: 4,991,068
主页浏览量: 1,059,331
已看视频: 496



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