I'm into fit busty females. the types of videos I usually upload or look for include nude fitness models, pec flexing, topless boxing, etc. if you don't have quality content to share please don't bother adding me. if you have something decent uploaded that I havent already seen 50 times there is a strong probability that I will accept your request. not into non nude videos. they annoy the out of me, this is a porn site for christ sake. on a side note, I dont know when this place started getting overrun with snobby pieces of fucking that wont accept a friend request from contributing users with over 30+ private videos along with a disturbing number of users that add & then drop immediately but I have some advice for you if you fall into either of those categories. please go and fucking yourself you worthless fucking cocksuckers. your mother should have swallowed you..... I wouldnt want to be on your punk ass friend list anyway.
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