Interests: I like to learn. No, not read a stimulating novel hither and dither, I mean I go into the published works of scientists, doctors, social scientists, neuroscientists. I am not afraid to get rattled by their jingoist jargon, I'll learn the language necessary to research what I am after. Other than that, I eat pussy and make pussies splooge with delight
The Tao Te Ching
How The World Works.
HUGE TITTIES, PHAT ga-donka-donk-donks, especially if your know how to twerk what momma gave ya. Seductive eyes, those special eyes that render a man's soul on his knees, despite his posture.
Anal anything. comes out of there, aren't anal freaks aware of this? Sure you ain't fathering any unplanned , but you's getting on you Johnson? Check your heads bros