
My tastes are widely varied so don't judge a themed playlist or gallery by its cover;) I'm interested in all types of sexual/artistic/personal expression and may just surprise you. This is a porn site so I want our kinks to be compatible. I speak my truth. Try to remember I'm not a bot or being paid, this is a real person (& shocking "normal" girl so RESPECT THIS BITCH! Dating & relationships are completely off the menu. Hoping I meet some cool people here.

Houston, Texas
columbus ohio
"United States"
Psychology Student FT
DIY, so many mediums of Art plus my silly little arts & crafts projects, *simply collecting hobbies which consists mainly of starting a million projects and often never finishing them (although I never stop working towards these goals. (oh yea, i think i'm funny too;))!! Playing board or card games and turning them into drinking games with cheap wine, xobox with my family and bf, going to concerts (mainly with/of my musician family), netflix with the cat, imgur addiction sharing with friends, reading voraciously.
Battlestar Galactica, Impractical Jokers (no judgment please), Sense 8, Fringe, Mr. Robot, Star Wars, Madalorian, Marvel &, DC, Aeon Flux (animated series), Ghost in the Shell (animated series), Trigun, "BannedWord" of Men, (Ok.."young ppl" of Men starring Clive Owen/Julianne Moore: post apocalyptic dystopian future flick), Dunkirk, There Will Be , Labyrinth, Pan's Labyrinth, Reality Bites,Tank Girl (+sequential art "comic"), Chowder, Adventure Time, The Regular Show, Sponge Squarepants, Strong Bad Email. Too many to name as an ex-Film pro. Just show me anything NOT gruesome/gross-out/torture porn & i'll give it a try (then rip it apart in a detailed critique out of love bc it means i REALLY liked it;) Beautiful/visually interesting, Animation, Anime, Romantic but not rom-com unless really special/weird/quirky, stand-up comedy (Marc Maron, Emmy Blotnick, Maria Bamford, Mike Birbiglia, so, so many; suggestions welcome), "educational" i.e. TedTalks, Nat Geo, History; ya know, the boring stuff lol
Too much to name as an eclectic former sound engineer: Music production, editing, mastering, live sound reinforcement, sound for film, field engineering, PLUS multiple industrial standard software & equipment certifications. Used to be one of the ONLY females in the fucking WORLD to hold those certs. Soooo, I guess...Indie Electronica, World, Classic Rock, Alternative Rock, Contemporary Rock, Progressive, Metal, Classic to '90s R&B, GOOD contemporary R&B, Bluegrass, Turn of the Century Folk, Jazz, Intellectual Rap, EDM, Sound Art, & SOME Pop music, & on & on & on. Happy, weird, old, new, w/e, play me something you love & I'll give it my full attention with an open mind. As long as it's a good representation of it's genre or just a great fucking song, genre just doesn't matter.
Terry Prachett, Elizabeth Haydon, Fred Saberhagen, Brian Green, Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, yadda, yadda, yadda, etc., etc. Trying all the time so too many to name again. I like Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Comedy, Adventure, History, the Classics, 19th Century Poetry Philosophy, World Religions (it's history, symbolism, psychological approaches), History/Period Pieces, Text Books, Research, Published Academic Papers, Technical Manuals (all true). Tell me your favorite book & I'll try it.
I'm curious about trying everything;))) Even more open to what someone else wants. If thats what ur into I won't judge. In fact, I'll want to know all about it. Tho I want reciprocation w/ what I want at least. Playful, dress-up, cosplay, role-play, pageantry, experimentation, power play, role reversal, torture by too much PLEASURE (not real torture), rough handling, throat holding (not too badly), props, toys, machines, devices, contraptions, bondage, spanking, anal, groups, boys & girls, fantasy, hentai, kissing, couples, romance, seduction, etc. But I'm a good girl deep down; just be respectful & I open my mind to EVERYTHING. I wanna be introduced to something new always. Teach me<3
Sorry but I don't like cutting or anything that will leave a scar. I'm definitely not at all opposed to a certain amount of pain that comes with pleasure (& ofc good 'ol rough sex;). I just don't want to hurt anyone if they don't want it or by accident. I'm not doing anything we don't want, period. Also, 'M KINKY AF, but not into horrible . Oh, & no unnecessary bodily fluids, like , , urine, or or wretch. Sorry, just a line I can't seem to cross (sex fluids not only okay but awesome).
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