anything with /horror, sci-fi related junk, b movies, family guy, robot chicken
industrial, rock, metal, techno, classic rock:
The Smashing Pumpkins, Rammstein, Angelspit, A Perfect Circle, Type O Negative, Wednesday 13, Danzig, The Misfits, Cradle of Filth, Lamb of God, The Distillers, Stone Temple Pilots, Rob/White Zombie....I could go on forever with this lol.
older men, goth chicks & guys, orally pleasing others, domination, boots/boot-licking, being choked, dirty talk, toys, tattoos, individuality uniforms/costumes, gas masks, latex... the list goes on
arrogant fuckwads, people who obviously cannot read profile information, people with no imagination or sense of humor (lighten up and get off the rag), people who continually add you after you've rejected them 8 times