Fuck it Pornhub took everything down, I'm out *READ*: I had an account with 100s of MFC videos and caps, but all my videos keep getting taken down because of... well you know why. So what I have done is I've made lots of accounts and spread my videos across them. In this account (Cheesestring1), I bring them all together in a playlist. If you accept my friend request here, then I will send you request from my other accounts or if I forget you can add me and I will accept. Then you will get full access to most videos in my playlist (some are from other users). If you do have videos I like and do not accept my friend request, yet you subscribe me: you will also be blocked. BLOCK LIST COUNT: 1000. No hard feelings if I block you, I know many want to see my collections but if I try to add everyone who sends me a friend request I need to go on multiple accounts and add hundreds, it will take ages. If you have any questions leave it in the friend request box OR accept my friend request, DM me
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