Me encanta la dominación, los juegos de poder para mi son muy exitantes, soy muy abierta de mente, el rudo y cursi es mi favorito! me gusta mucho mucho complacer, me encantan las propuestas, tu dime y yo estoy dispuesta, aun en la distancia buscare la manera de satifacerte
I love domination, power games for me are very exciting, I am very open minded, the rude and corny is my favorite! I really like to please, I love proposals, tell me and I'm willing, even in the distance I will look for a way to satisfy you
Add me so you can see my new content, I have a preview of what will be my next video in the jacuzzi shower, is horny, you are going to like it, do you want to play with me? I want to try me, follow me and we talk privately ❤️