Hello & welcome to my little section of pornhub.
♤ I specialize in fetish but I do solo, boy/girl and girl/girl "porn" as well.
♡♡ Thank you so much for your support!♡♡
I love learning what turns people on and what turns them off. I enjoy my sexuality and sharing it with others. I love sex (especially giving oral), and food. When it comes to fetish I have few boundaries (nothing , unsafe, painful) I play video games, tabletop games, and love anime.
I tend to be a people pleaser which can lead me to feel taken for granted at points so the people that really seem to get my pussy dripping are generous, kind, humorous, friendly, overall givers more than receivers. I give as good as I get in every area of my life. Treat me well, I'll treat you better. Do to me, what you'd want me to do to you.
Cheapskates, rudeness, closed-minded people, and people who are downers. I have no patience for people who constantly complain about how much their lives suck. My motto is... it could be worse. So grow up & get over it.