Fairly easy to get along with. Though I don't
get a long with everyone (who does really). Im straight forward, say what I mean and I mean what I say. That seems to bother some. I don't like fake ass people. d
Those portraying themselves to be other what they arenot for some gain. If you do you didn't earn it and whatever it is you gained you'll loose it. I'm a big believer in a the idea that one should never do anything bad enough that they're to ashamed to admit. I also believe if one does do something like that then they take responsibility for those actions. Responsibility, grow the fuck up It's what being an adult means. We all make mistakes me more than most I'm sure. If you can't then you need to get off this site cause you obviously aren't ready to be an adult. Did I mention I'm pretty straight forward? Because I don't waste time or money on people trying to sell me bullshit these types are mostly who have a problem with me. IDK JUST BE YOURSELF if that's too much to ask
Just about anything except politics, I'm not here for politics
It's probably easier to tell you what I don't like and what I do
Hypocritical disrespectful cheating fat bitches who have sex in front of their offspring. Disrespectful to themselves, disrespectful to their man and disrespectful to their own offspring having no respect for themselves but want to be given respect by others. The worst.