Just an average bear/nice guy with a great cock. I fuck Gen Xers all the way down to iGen ..with a really varied taste in what I find hot but a scruffy hairy blonde guy with just a little bit of dad bod is my top fave (picture Chris Pratt from Parks and Rec time...lol.
Top Into jockstraps, Socks, longer sessions and dipping my toe (cock) into the scetchy side ... (if you on a ripped futon mattress on the floor of your friends apt that you share with a pitbull I probably want to fuck you).
I have been lucky to enjoy some pretty intense sexual history - did phone sex to pay for University, Was a high priced boyfriend exsperice-type escort for one summer. I have been Grunge 90's dude, Polo prepster, Cyber Club , Frat boy, Swim-team jock, Suit and Tie, and probably a few hybrids. Ageing into Daddy - and am 100% comfortable with my hairy stocky body (have been super fit to chub over the years and always saw a good looking dude in the mirror no personal body issues - there