Anime, hard-core smokin’ and tokin’, drawing, hiking
Eyes, Hands, someone’s voice/moans/whispering
I love very vocal partners that communicate their wants, needs who also tell me whether I’m satisfying them and if not they teach me how I can improve and satisfy them.
Daddy’s who can be dom but can play the sub role if I’m feeling a little confident.
Being called babygirl, princess, kitten, etc.
A lot of my turn ons fall on the Demisexual side.
In other words, I only experience sexual attraction after an emotional bond is formed.
You’ll figure it out quickly what turns me off if you approach me sideways and disrespectfully.
I don’t care who, what or why you’re attracted to me, if you don’t want my foot in your ass then I suggest you approach me with respect.
Just get your dick out of your hands and find a better way that isn’t so basic to spark a conversation with me.
Saying “Hey” or complimenting is not going to get me to respond.