Thick Booty
Thick Booty

Thick Booty

简介 Thick Booty
I am 29 years old I have a daughter my mother passed away my father passed away I have 8 sisters five brothers I have a daughter just passed away I also have a son has passed away I’m from Cleveland Ohio down away the valley I know how to rap I know how to sing and know how to write poems my house caught on fire back half of November 2018 are my best friend died in a house fire 85% of his body from Inside out but since then I just been more than just been out here in the streets I am now moving around here and there my baby is with her father right now until I found a fine stable housing I work for crowns General contractors I rehab houses paint and drywall towels lay floors Sand floors all that you know anything about house and auto are awesome like to play video games I am a video game here yes I am call a duty black ops modern warfare wheels I play I play Jersey City I play spades I pick hearts and I got a thing from Black jack today like a motherfucker yes I do yes I do and I
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 男女通吃
城市和国家: Cleveland, United States
性别: 女性
出身地: United States of America
三围: 46-32-42
身高: 5' 8" (172cm)
体重: 180lbs. (82kg)
种族: Other
发色: Other
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: Yes
出生地: Cleveland
兴趣爱好: I like a lot of movies I like skating I like playing football I play video games Colin duty black ops what does that do I play Grandtheft auto on my plane zombies on black ops I play super Mario
会勾起我性欲的是: What turned me on yes girl on girl action yes I do like girls to Alta and I like getting hit from the back and I like what I was like I like smart because pussy to get wet wet wet Ulta and I like to be kissed on the neck but all that like my titties it andAnd I like dancing can dance a little bit I think so I like La nails untilAnd I can sing a little bit gala wrapping to
会浇灭我性欲的是: I do not like SNL and I don’t like him that’s really it
视频播放量: 2,441
主页浏览量: 54,587
已看视频: 10


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