

简介 WholesomeTofu
Inspired by RyanCreamer, one of my life's philosophy has always been, "why not." I figured if I can make even a single one of you laugh or help you in anyway so that you may continue your life to better yourself, then I'd say my efforts were worth it. I'm here for the memes btw, do whatever you will with it internet. Feel free to add me and DM me if you wanna make silly videos together, or have a conversation about what kind of pizza is best pizza. If you like what I do and want to help, then spread my content like how you would spread butter on toast. Otherwise, just be happy and do your best everyday. That's all you need to do for me.
感情状态: 非单身
喜欢: 女性
性别: 男性
兴趣爱好: Having imaginary arguments in my head and winning them all
会勾起我性欲的是: Lasagna, I'll get on my knees for you if you make the best lasagna for me
会浇灭我性欲的是: 1) When you leave your shopping cart on the road 2) Mistreating the retailer workers 3) Not cleaning your room when you take a selfie
视频播放量: 1,066,612
主页浏览量: 248,607
已看视频: 237


A bit long but bare with me!
With 2019 almost over, I wanna take this moment to say that I'm grateful for all the laughs and interesting people I've met during my time on pornhub. One of my original goals were to just hopefully make some people laugh and give you a little bit of push to keep moving forward. In some way, I enjoy giving inspiration to people to do their best. At this point, I'd say my next goal is that elusive 50k sub pornhub jersey. I may only be 2% of the way there, but that's 2% more than many people. And that's the mindset I hope everyone has as they move forward to 2020. Anything worth doing, is worth doing it half-assed.
Some days, some of us may just lose motivation to get better. I get that, I been there, and it's not fun. Sometimes, we just need a waking call to remind us that our time is short and to get started. But whatever you do, don't stop moving forward. Do that thing you been wanting to, get started now even if it'll take you a while. It is my wish that today you can begin to do what others won't, so that tomorrow, you may do what others cannot. 
Beyond that, I want to say I'm honored for everyone that favorited my video to put on a list, subscribed to me, and even to those that slid into my DMs to send their compliments. The simplest compliment can really make someone's day. So don't feel awkward about it, life's too short to worry about how people think about you. Go ahead and pay some compliments to even people you see outside. I hope everyone can find their purpose in 2020 if you haven't already. Do something new, go out of your comfort zone to grow. You been living all your life the same way, go and really experience what you been wanting too before it's too late. And even then, it's not really ever too late to be happy. You deserve it
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