If you are looking for love, I can't help you. If you are looking for weird, monstery, expansiony lustful erotica, I have the stories for you. Hi, my nom de plume is Ai Love. I live in the USA with my spouse and decided one day that I would rather write instead of just read all the stuff filling up my Kindle app. When I am not writing, I tend to watch too much anime and spend too much time playing either Minecraft or Satisfactory. I also have a day job, so I sometimes don't get enough . Because I discovered the internet at an impressionable have an overtly perverted mind and finally decided it would be nice to share. I mean, Rule 34 is a rule, not a suggestion. I wish only hugs and kisses upon everyone and hope you take my stories in the same way they are given: entertainment. I do not wish offense on anyone, but please take the warnings inside the book to heart because not everything is for everyone. Contact me at AiLovesToGrow from my Gmail account. I have a website (be gentle)
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