Phase Two
A Throwaway Piece, by Bo Blackstar
The star of Subject Zero returns, this time to get pounded by minotaurs!!8zowAYZK!1k_N3_STOqY0MqvWjudCk6ztb157A1gSvGlR9xYqhq0
Unyx was a huge success, and Amara couldn’t have been more proud. Conception had so far been 100% successful with all attempted species, producing offspring within the desired range of genetic diversity. The offspring were fertile and stable out to 3 generations thus far, without any sign of degradation. They inherited traits from their progenitors appropriately, with Unyx’s contribution being an acceptable difference from the mother and occasionally a personality trait. That, and a very small but notable increase in fertility, but that only made the experiments progress quicker.
In addition to his success as an experiment, Unyx was also exceeding Amara’s expectations as a pet, companion, and… regular lover. The two would spend hours together if Amara finished her work sufficiently early, which was about half the time. Unyx was attentive and obedient, and relished the time he got to spend with his creator.
Currently, Amara was circling a newer creature. An adult male minotaur, birthed from a wild, feral minotaur she had captured as part of her experiments. She was starting to experiment with more and more intelligent creatures, so she thought these minotaurs would be perfect. The species was capable of advanced thought, but this particular strain was from a feral base creature, without language. Minotaurs were complex creatures, the intelligent ones that interacted with the other intelligent races constantly at war between and civilized natures. This cunning but ultimately animalistic example was a stepping stone to pairing Unyx with intelligent, civilized species for procreation.
The minotaur stood rigidly still, breathing steadily. It was aware, but held immobile by magic for the inspection. This was the third time this specimen had been thus inspected, the other times at previous stages of his development. Amara examined him and each of his three brothers for any sign of physical irregularity, and monitored their behavior for signs of psychological quirks. So far they had shown none, with the exception that the entire generation had thus far been male. This was noteworthy, but statistically reasonable.
Amara passed around the immobilized minotaur again, coming around from the back to the front, and her gaze passed across the massive phallus hanging between his legs. Hanging there, limp, it was about as thick as her wrist and almost as long as her forearm. Her gaze lingered for a moment, and then another. Suddenly the large member twitched, the minotaur grunting and snarling briefly.
A chill ran up Amara’s spine and her eyes shot to the powerful minotaur’s face, a full foot-and-a-half higher than her own. The holding spell was secure, of course. That miniscule amount of movement was still permitted. The minotaur stared back at Amara, it’s eyes filled with intent, and also… thought. It was thinking of how to get its immensely strong hands on her, she realized, and the chill shot up her spine again. The specimens in her experiments had never demonstrated the resistance to magic that Unyx possessed, but sometimes Amara wondered if they would. What they did seem to inherit was Unyx’s urge for procreation, which suited Amara’s experiments just fine, as more generations were needed to gather proper data.
It was then that Amara noticed the bull-man’s phallus was now semi-erect, and appeared to be periodically flexing in her direction. She shook her head clear and uttered a spell, sending the minotaur back to the labyrinth-lair she had created for it and its kin to live in. It was housed in a pocket dimension in which a year passed in a month, allowing faster growth of the specimens for Amara’s purposes. By observing them there, she could take notes on the minotaurs’ legendary capacity for navigation, and see if it was influenced at all by the breeding program. The labyrinth was enchanted to change in small ways every once in a while, to keep them guessing and learning. She wondered how she herself would do at navigating such a maze…
[continued in pdf...]