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I hate that that happened to you; I am so sorry that your parents let whoever did this to you do it. Probably because a doctor told them to. It's definitely effed up. I truly am sorry for anyone who has had that done to them, and is justifiably outraged, or at least confused when they find out whats happened. It IS a weird thing to do. It's an ancient freaky practice that's only kept alive because we pretend it's somehow OK because it's nobody remembers why we started. But also... I'm also fascinated. What we, as society consider to be acceptable when it comes to making permanent alterations to someone else's most personal and erogenous body part. It obviously hasn't slowed us down one bit. Ripping off a foreskin doesn't make it so you can't orgasm; it's just a lot harder. And that's the point. Someone wanted to make it harder for you to masturbate. When people talk about it being "cleaner" to be circumcised, they are unknowingly referring as much to Victorian standards of mental cleanliness. Like so many other things we are waking up to, we've been duped... And it's fun and all, and I think cut cocks are hot as can be. But I also assert that the only person who should get have a say about modifying a penis, is the actual owner of the damn thing, whose opinion is really the only one that matters. It's time we start acknowledging that men should get to decide for themselves, and get to experience their dick with a built-in jack-off sleeve that your parents decided you didn't need. That said, cut cocks are hot! I think the reason I find them so attractive is that most of the people with them have no idea how mangled and they are compared to a normal, functioning penis. There's no regulation on how or why it's done, since it's rooted in religion and puritanical Victorian principles of mental hygiene. You never know what you're going to end up with. From the flawless "natural" dick that shows no sign of trauma, to the brown scarred, hack job nightmares performed with a butterknife. Is that something that cut guys ever think about? What DO cut guys think about their dicks? What do YOU think? Please tell me if you're interested in sharing and comparing!
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Well the last got erased anyways I saw this post for a reason and idk if it’s referring to me but I’m sorry i said such ignorant remark but message me next time confront me im like the nicest person and probably the dumbest lol but don’t make me out to be a jerk cause I feel bad for anyone I hurt and I don’t know if anyone like is gonna cry cause of what I said but I wanna cry cause I just was being horny dude looking to chat and jo like every one else here so just be nice please
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Saying anyways thank you for putting a light on a subject I never even thought of as wrong or right I don’t even remember who I had this conversation with but ph is a small world? Lol anyways I’m sorry if I offended that person I just meant like what you said what I’m used to and maybe that’s sad but it’s also sad that we can call people out for a dumb mistake without asking them about it we’re supposed to be kind and helpful to one another and that is rare so someone said a dumb com
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You know I had a this exact discussion and I think people just need to think about how they say their opinion cause after reading this I feel rude and judgmental but I’m not either of them dumb? Yea horny and not thinking about how others may react ? Yea but I made a comment referring to an experience thst I had with a man who was uncut and it was not a good one and ended up actually being traumatic but I shouldn’t think of what’s normal and not normal and it didn’t let me finish what I
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