Dear all!
I am very sad that PornHub and Xtube decided to delete my content, without prior warnings, after more than .
I am a verified user on PornHub, yet that apparently wasn't enough. Xtube says that to become a 'verified' user I must upload a copy of my passport AND that I have to charge you for my videos! That is absolutely INSANITY.
The real reason of course is that PornHub and Xtube are so terrible at filtering out porn and video's, that we (the good, honest, legally operating porn people) have to suffer the consequences of their failings.
Pornhub deleted over 10 million videos, instead of filtering out the bad ones and leave the good ones online.
I am heartbroken that this has happened and I am still fighting with Pornhub and Xtube to resolve this. Xtube is a website bloated with tracking cookies, spam and uploading content has always been a terribly slow experience (often times I had to re-upload my videos two or three times because their system failed to publish my video) so there is NO WAY IN HELL I trust them with a copy of my passport. NO WAY!
Please follow me on twitter (@xCharlieSanders)! As opposed to PornHub and Xtube, Twitter seems to be the last platform on the internet that allows me to express myself. Who would have thought!
Stay happy and healthy!
With Love!
xxxx Charlie