

If you have some time can you message me the answers of the following questions? 1. Your first name 3. Gender 4. How many sex partners did you have? 5. How old were you when you first had sex? 6. Your first thought about me? 7. Your first thought about my ? 8. Which of us is hotter? 9. Would you have sex with one of us? 10. Discribe your night with me or/and my . 11. Use a condom or without one? 12. Where would you like to cum if you had the choice? 13. How many times can you have sex in 24h? 14. Where would you like to have sex with me or/and my ? 15. Do you like oral sex? 16. Do you like anal sex? 17. Would you ever do a threesome with me or/and my ? 18. Would you ever do a threesome with another guy and me or my ? 19. Would you join a gangbang/orgy if I was the girl? 20. What are you thinking about now? 21. How long is your dick? (Guys only) 22. How big are your boobs? (Girls only) If you fill this in and message me. I'll answer any question of you. Love Elise XOXO
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Add me and will gladly send you my answers!
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1: Bas2: 273: Male4: Two5: 166: Gorgeous smile7: Don't know her, but would love to compare the two of you8: See 7 😉9: With you, yes. With her, probably also yes!10: Take you for a nice walk through the park, find some private spot, and get naughty. Nothing like the chance of getting caught11: Always a condom until you trust each other 100%12: All over your tits13: Got stuck at 4 so far, but willing to try harder14: Any place public would be great (park, beach, sauna, etc...)15: Yes, both giving
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I did answer what I find appropriate in my friend request
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Id like to answer all questions, but i have to see you and your photos so...lets be friends^^
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Virgin"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Sophomore"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Freshman"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Scribe"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Squire"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Prophet"
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解锁了一个新成就:"Miss/Mister Popularity"
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解锁了一个新成就:"8 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"7 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Prince"
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My old blog refreshed 🙂

1. What's your (full) name?
and year of birth?:
3. Favorite position?
4. What do you think of me?
5. What was your first thought when you saw me?
6. Would you have sex with me?
7. Would you take a shower with me?
8. Have you ever thought about having sex with me?
9. Would you leave after or stay the night?
10. Do you like cuddling afterwards?
11. Condom or skin?
12. Do you give Oral pleasures?
13. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures?
14. Would you have sex on the first date?
15. Could you have a one night stand with me?
16. Would you kiss me during sex?
17. Do you think I would be good in bed?
18. How many partners have you had?
19. How old where you when you lose your virginity?
20. Would you ever have a threesome with me?
21. Long, sensuous love making or hot, steamy quickies?
22. The wildest thing you've done sexually?
23. Where would you like to do it with me?
24. Where would your cum go? And why there?
25. How many times you can do me in a day?
26. What would you like to do to me?
27. Would you get me pregnant?
28. Who do you prefer Elise or Danielle?
29. Do you want to say something else ?
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Hair : Blond Eyes : Blue Length: 178cm Birthday: June 21 Need more...? Ask me

Hockey, Shopping & Going out
That 70s show, Orange is the new Black, Degrassi, Game Of Thrones
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