I can’t wait til I can make an only fans, earn enough money then get rid of this “meaty” vagina, i cannot stand it, whats wrong with it 😭 I’m young, why is it like this..help 😂
Do guys care if you have a “meaty” pussy, thinking of loosing my virginity but I’m kinda scared it’s annoying to think ab but I need to know, it’s already hard to find a guy bc I’m tall..Lmaooo lmk!
i’ve been thinking about labiaplasty recently idk if it’s a good idea but NO guy my age likes the way it looks..if you’ve had it done, was it worth it & what was the healing process like?
Thinking of making custom videos bc i honestly have no limits and will do whatever but i’m being told to charge for yk what reasons..ifykyk but i’m not sure, dm me and lmk what you think