
Moving To Plexstorm

Heyo! I'm gonna be streaming on Plexstorm from now on. I've decided to make this decision because Pornhub seems to be taking down a lot of videos that are focused on recording adult game content. I find it annoying having to reupload stuff especially because around 6-10 videos are taken down at the same time. If you want to watch Taffy Tales I recommend going to xhamster and watching the videos I have there. They are under the channels Festerbloom(like this one) and HappyLife03(someone who enjoyed the videos and uploaded em to xhamster). Thanks to everyone who stayed with me throughout the year! If you wanna watch me stream the link is plexstorm.com/stream/festerbloom
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Archduke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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I got Yeeted

Multiple of my videos were taken down with no explanation given. I'm gonna reupload em here and on xhamster. 
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Slove Quest parte 3 please
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订阅了1 个用户

Happy New Years update :p

Heyo! Happy early new years I'm not dead! Sorry about lack of videos there has been a personal family issues that has now been resolved. I'm going to leave this pinned for a long time so if you have a question this might answer it. For Taffy Tales: There are no new updates right now so I can't record anything. Check back during late January or early February. For Taffy Tales Part 5: check my playlist for Taffy Tales. I fucked up the name so It's version [11.2C] and it's misnamed as part 3[Pornhub won't let me rename it] . For Ben X Slave Quest: The game is on hiatus since one of the makers of the game is focusing on completing another game. For Discord Link: I set one up to be permanent but it's fucking expired. I'll be leaving a new one here and in the comments every time it expires.  It's fucking cold ya'll: I'll be uploading really fucking slowly since I can't beat my meat during this weather. Seriously it's fucking hell here lol                                                                                                 https://discord.gg/4MmfJgx
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I can see ur comments fester
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Yes we can see your comment and can you please upload more on Taffy tales
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I am able to see your comments
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Problem with comments

Currently every comment I post isn't seen by anyone but me. I've been leaving comments for you guys for a long time but apparently none of you have been capable of even seeing em lol. I already sent a message to pornhub support but have yet to hear back from them. Also new video up in a bit :3
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Bro if you can can you play Saviors Quest??? It lookks pretty interesting to me. Maybe you’ll like it also
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New Taffy Tales video up in a bit

I'll try and get these up as fast as I can. If you guys enjoy these videos please consider supporting these guys at their patreon. https://www.patreon.com/UberPie
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New S.H.E.L.T.E.R video up in a bit

There is only one lewd scene this time and a TON of story lol. Will also be putting the patreon of the actual makers of the game here and in the comment section of the video if ye wanna check em out. They made another really good game that I've played called The Fate of Irnia. I highly recommend it :3       https://www.patreon.com/winterlook
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A new video already?

I had this recorded already so I wanted to get it uploaded as soon as possible before I most likely disappear again lol. Unlike part 1 this one has a lot of lewd scenes :3
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New video up today

There is no actual porn in it. Just about 40 minutes of story so you'll have to wait a bit for the next part which immediately starts out with lewd content. I'll also try and get out another video tomorrow :3
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I'm bored so I play and upload porn games...uhh...enjoy???

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