Tabletop RPGs, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Video games and general nerd shizz.
The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Interview with a Vampire, The Goonies, Star Wars (the first two trilogies), The Matrix Trilogy, Ghost in the Shell, Altered Carbon (Season 1), Jacob's Ladder (The original), True Detective (Season 1), The Last Samurai, 28 Days later, 28 Weeks later, Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049
Ambient, Dungeon-synth, Techno, Classical, Heavy Metal, Alternative
Roadside Picnic, World War Z, Day by Day Armageddon, Princess of Mars, Tarnsman of Gor, Outlaw of Gor, Priest-Kings of Gor, Nomads of Gor, Assassin of Gor, Empire of The East, Dagon, The Call of Cthulhu
Red Headed Women, Blonde Haired Women, Brown Haired Women