was like we connected from first sight. As soon as we peeped each other it was as if we both said wassup? He turned and walked back into the store. As he walked away I watched his ass in those grey sweats. He had the bubble and his sweats lay gently between those cheeks. Tall smooth chocolate with a nice masculine rough edge. He stopped short and walked up an aisle. I noticed it was towards the back of the store he was headed to. I worked my way around pricing items I was actually there to pick up. And then again there he was looking and then slowly headed towards the back of the store again. As I followed curious to see what was back there I looked up "Restroom." It began to fall into place this was the bathroom stall hook up that I have seen in so many vids on here. My mind began to race as I continued to follow and with each step my dick went from a twitch to flat out hardening. I could feel my dick thickening I can feel it moving across my thigh. My dick was beginning to tent my jeans and I hoped no one n