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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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How videos will be posted

I'll be posting videos in sets so Sets of small depending on how my life is going cause I have work, NSFW game design, girls (gotta get some pussy man), and this.
So this set will be huge over 60 videos cause it been so long and I'm itching to go. I'll be doing character videos so think of things like Helen Parr getting her own video, I'll be also doing artist tributes again some of you said do LeteRR and I just might, I'll also be doing theme videos BBC, Blowjobs, etc and then finally I'll be doing phrase group vids with a bunch of different characters all in one can't wait to get back to it see you then till then try not to let 2020 get to you to much.
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Some videos will not be posted to my Pornhub or my X videos do to rules and regulations of the 2 but, they will be posted onto the website so things like (to spoil a few that will come out in this set) Gwen Tennyson, Violet Parr, and Poke Mon won't be on here cause it will just get removed for rule .
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Ready Or Not Here I Come!

And we are ready peeps I have gathered over 800 Gbs of 90% unwatermarked resources and will start the video productions this Thursday I'll be paying for the Perv Garden website revamping it and when the massive amount of videos I have come out they'll be on the site as well for free. we coming back boys it's my honor to welcome you all back to the Perv+Garden expect a huge number of videos to come out soon all at once for all the time I missed
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Nice ! Hope you'll get some pussy man !
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PH New Rules

So Pornhub has these new rules or atleast they had them and someone started reporting old videos that if it looks quote quote it will be removed so my first Elin and Zone-Tan video were removed today for whatever reason. Its okay tho cause I'll be paying for the new web page where my nsfw games and all new Perv Garden vids will go soon. 
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Strawpoll Idea

If I made a Strawpoll with a list of at least lets say 100 characters and ideas and told you to pick 75 out of those for "Research" what would you guys say?  😇
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Alright I’ll take up on your offer
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Final Fantasy 7

Does anyone know where I can find Final Fantasy 7 Remake scenes without the subtitles in them or are there none of those?
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opps! my bad peeps so the video on the 19th has been pushed back because I am going to pay for a converter its 2020 and I no longer want to pirate things so i'll just buy it Friday and before you say use a free converter the one I'm buying is a mass converter so its more useful and less time consuming cuts 4 hours of converting into 25 mins so it'll be worth it see you then
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Yo do ya boy a solid and give me some ideas of music you'd like to see in videos just drop the names or the place their from i'll look into it
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At your service Grimm, Get Lucky by Daft Punk is also pure magic, keep up the good work pal !
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Hey man, hope you are alright, don't know with what it could fit but Disco Zombi Italia by Carpenter Brut is pretty groovy
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Darude - Sandstorm ☝
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As a black man myself the BLM or Black Lives Matter movement I agree with so why don't we say fuck the police on the P+G no like lets literally fuck the police, coming out July 19th look forward to it
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What Happened

I have been through the ringer that's what happened first let me say I am sorry for being absent for so long without any explanation, I am an essential worker and no like I'm essential I deliver food to people in large quantities on foot so I was on the front lines during this pandemic. This caused me to get sick and be in the hospital for 2 weeks only to come back and because I beat some be given 11 days in a row to work. Little after my mother who I don't see often I went to go see during mother's day and it was great she was sick but she's okay now but, it was a tearful goodbye cause I know I wouldn't be seeing her for a long time and this sent me into a deep depression that was very hard to beat but I beat it. 
So what happens next Grimm well first I've ordered a new computer because mines is very old,  to be exact and after that, I buy Wondershare Filmora no more umm freely using it I have the money to buy it and just use it I'll be back and when I do come back you'll see a lot of videos from me.
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That's some rough stuff man, hopefully things will go up from here! Take care of yourself.
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Hiatus coming to a close

Hiatus almost over expect many videos to come out all at once very soon
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We are looking forward to it. hopefully it will be soon!
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4 videos on the 27th

So if you guys are wondering why the Futaba Sakura video hasn't come out yet its because I'm one of the poor fukers to receive a good ol invitation to serve jury duty and have been going back and forth to that to do that while still trying to get stuff done so between the 25th and the 27th no later will Sakura Futaba of Persona, Sombra and Talon Sombra of Overwatch, D.va of Overwatch and Symmetra of Overwatch get their videos before Black Friday and Thanksgiving so I'll see you then but till than wish me luck
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Name ls are irrelevant but you can call me Kong or Grimm, I'm the creator and founder of Perv+Garden and Perv Games. I am not an SFM or Blender artist I do not create the Animations used in the compilations I make, just a little disclaimer. Wanna stay in contact with P+G than follow us on Pornhub, Xvids, NaughtyMachinima, and Perv Garden's own website Links are here. https://pervgarden.site123.me/ https://www.naughtymachinima.com/user/PervGarden https://www..com/profiles/lunarrosecrow

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