Video games, memes, learning new languages, cooking, exercising, meditation, trying to become best friends with all the neighborhood ravens, and Dungeons & Dragons. ;)
Kung Fu Hustle, Django Unchained, Megamind, The Truman Show, The Iron Giant, The Emperor's New Groove, Avatar: the Last Airbender, One Punch Man, Scrubs, Futurama, Firefly, BoJack Horseman, and Rick & Morty.
It's... complicated.
Ah, yes, "books". I have heard of them. They come from the longlong ago, before Al invented the Internet. Legend holds they came in two varieties: firm, and flaccid.
Intelligence, a sense of humor, small breasts, large breasts, medium-sized breasts, confidence, shyness, petite women, freckles, the ability to hold a conversation, awkward silences, feet, when women bully me, when women are flirting with me but I can't tell if they're just being nice, dark hair, glasses, thicc thighs, and when people promote positivity and advocate for taking care of mental health.