A Warning to those who send me their friend request without even following my rule: If you don't know how to/can't read [seriously, are you illiterate? Because if you're not, then you're being a retard] what my rule is consisted of [where you can read it on the about section/column] and keep insisting on sending the request [I don't care if you're either new to this and/or can't speak english or even my mother language] more than two times i will instantly block you. I might make an exception on accepting someone's request [only if you have and/or watched videos of Lesbians Grinding, Dry Humping, Tribbing and Rubbing IN JEANS even if it ain't necessary to be in that cloth but a must be, ooooooor -- you request both our fantasy on this customize fetish videos pornsite: https://seductivestudios.com/, or do a homemade footage convincing your galfriends who are attracted to other gals whether you're a gal and you're free to do them or a guy who just have to record the whole action scene, Clear? Any questions?], however not everyone will have the privilege [I MEAN IT! So try not to piss me off on the first and second "non-message friend request" and most importantly don't waste both our times]... nuff' said.
Also, not accepting: anyone who hasn't identify his/her sex on their own profile; Transgenders; Bisexual Guys (& definitely Gays. Call me and/or Transphobic -- don't care & doesn't make me one -- inclusivity/Diversity has made things worst, but i'm digressing...) -- which this profile is only aimed for Straight Dudes, Bisexual Girls & Lesbians (Not the Butch ones, they're not even women to begin with, and again i'm digressing...). You don't have to like my rules but these are the terms you must abide and be respectful. Otherwise, as I've already mentioned above...
P.S: If you're japanese, please do me a favor and get & post these vids:
The reason why i'm asking you to do it is, a friend of mine purchased it but it can only be viewed in your country when purchased and downloaded cause of the DRM[Digital Rights Management] protection. All in all, if you consider my request and have the vids in your channel maybe it won't have the DRM on as I download from your channel, that way will definitely benefit eachother.
My other porn accounts: https://xhamster.com/users/jackgrace3 https://pt.spankbang.com/hot/jackgrace3