解锁了一个新成就:"The Prophet"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Squire"
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解锁了一个新成就:"8 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"7 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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how is everyone? still moribound?
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heeeyyyy remember me?
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doing great over here, I'm more interested in how you're doing
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Prince"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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Where would you like to cum?!&!@^$#(@^$(???? lol

meeeeee so tirreeeeddd actually been sick and then away and then sick recently so haven't been around but have i really been missed?
I don't hear anything!!!
come on you can do better?
anyone ever tried cough syrup? there use to be this funny funny stuff like in all sorts of colours that youd drink and it was all sweet. can't really tell the difference. my friend is into this sorta stuff and recently gave me some. and dam, it tastes like candy. but also had this nice cooling sensation, kinda like taking a mint after drinking sparkling water. or downing berocca straight in your mouth.yea that is cruel! but yes that cough syrup stuff is addictive, even if you think its kinda yuck on your first two sips. give it a good mouthfull and you'll get hooked after 5 minutes or so. so , don't try this at home!!! obviously its to do with the medical stuff in it!!! but yes, it's like the craze with those cough or throat lozenges back then. people just ate em for fun... ahhh well... wonder what the next addictive drug is for you? or do you have any? i never really do besides the obvious chocolate and ice cream. tubs and tubs of ice cream.... what about you? what's in your court?
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aw, hope you get feeling better soon. where to cum, well anywhere you want, but I think I have to say on your chest so I can easily go from pounding your front to shooting it where you can see it. I haven't had cough syrup in awhile, but it does have a unique taste to it. Kind of wish I could share some ice cream with you, would be fun : )
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happy NY!!!
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Festive Season Rant time

Soooooo long time since around, but i guess haven't been missed much since PH is so dead
with all the other sites up, which is the better community now? who knows, soooo little time
anyway, wonder what everyone else is doing this season, i know where i'll be... bent over on the end of a chrissy dinning table as the holiday turkey getting yummy stuffing hahahah shame girl!
no... i actually am going between jobs, so frustrating so yea. and well.... got a holiday job at like one of the big superstores, no names, going to be a nightmare, but hopefully working on christmas eve and boxing day pays off.
best thing about working in retail is to be able to just walk around and not do for long periods of time and no one knows where you are. when they ask, "oh i was serving someone over thererererere" yea no one ever asks.
obviously the bad side to retail is you get some pretty annoying customers that jus keep asking for and don't listen or read signs. ive worked at before and gee there r a lot of dumb people on this world. i mean why would you come to to buy light bulbs *facepalm*
in my life i've actually worked mostly retail, surprise surprise, and i don't mean retailing myself *cough* teehee like i've done fast food, postal, general retail, groceries, clothing, designer, lingerie, toy store (non-adult kind) and , probably a little of everything. and the funny thing is, i'm still a disaster on the cash register. don't think any sane person would trust me on one of those... unless i'm also happen to be sitting on your dick, lols, but yea. it was nice one long time ago that at the end of the day i got like $500 missing and was my pants but the store manager jus said " its ok, don't worry" and never heard of it again. that was nice. though other times i've gotten managers that were quite anal and basically told me to do this and do that, stock this, refill this, sort that... OMFG i don't get how some people think pretty girls get it easy... we get our balls worked off or we get leered upon. i remember one of my dress codes was a tight white blouse and top buttons must be undone and miniskirt n 4inch heels. yes, that store was a little desperate but heck you wouldnt ever ask a ugly girl to do it. its jus us at the bad end of the stick!
i also remember one chrissy, years ago where i somehow filled in for a friend who went to hospital and had to do some photography stuff. it was helping a fat dude dressed in a santa outfit take pictures with . that was such a pain. long standing hours, was christmas eve i recall, and had to keep smiling and pretend i give a about christmas and everyones holidays, and there were all these old ppl telling me wat they were gonna cook... really? i am jus a pin-up girl helping santa for extra cash, fuk me i dun care about your baking!!! then you got santa, he was a nice guy really pleasant, peter or something i think, huge 6ft santa and quite the chubster face like a mole, and friendly but perhaps a little too friendly... he'd always put his hands just a palm below my waist and on my butt. i was also in a little santa elf outfit, an outfit which was like a minidress, no idea why the needed that, so santa would b hitching up my dress every now and then. there were a few pics where... well... actually got glimpses of my panties cause tat dam minidress was always riding high and santa kept brushing it up. no idea why most ppl didn't notice it wen they got the pics. i sure did at least with two. think that was a bit of an embarasing year.
though i remember another year during college i went to do some promo stuff at a toy store with like santa, crazy guy, was so energetic, probably got commissions out of it, but he was literally jumping over the . and its one of those stores u can put ur there for like hrs so the parents can relieve the stress on us, the miserable employees. but that santa guy was like happy... later on i found out his day job was a clown, so kinda made sense, but at the time i remember thinking "". i later dated this guy so yea,, no names. i always put in a half-ass job at these things cause most people don't really notice cause theyre already so happy. and u can get away with it lol but this santa guy was crazy happy. i was in like red latex hot pants, very xmas appropriate of course, and some weird red jacket with fluffy lining and stuffing which was really hot. but i was relieved after a while when, think was like second day at midday and we were workin in the photo booth, santa actually propped me over his knees so i was like bent over belly on his knees and he gave me sum rough fingering sessions. like was 1 finger, then after couple rounds was 2, then went to 3 and 4. he kept having to cover my mouth with his left hand cause i was kinda beginning to scream while trying to fiddle with my tits in my ziplock red fluffy coat. and note, we were doin this on and off during the day as ppl came in to take pics. so wat happened was family come in, take a pic with santa, i did the cameras, and theyd walk outside the themed room, and i'd yank my pants and panties down to my ankles, prop over his knees and he'd slip in me me. he'd lick and suck his fingers a lot n tat really made things hotter. then ud get a ring on the bell and i'd get up pull my pants back on and get the door for the next family. lol tat was legendary. there were a couple close calls cause kinda barged in, and i had to quickly get up n pull my up. few occasions where i didn't pull up fully so bit of my panties were showing. so bad. but no one realised. not sure how many orgasms i had tat day but definitely went on for hours until closing time at like 9pm. so exhausting in retail!
so yea, think tat was bit of my lovely xmas retail escapades. not sure what's in store this year though lol hav to wait and find out. actually there's probably a few more odd stories but they r kinda bit more racy and less -friendly so i won't post em publicly lol one of em has to do with me workin at a resort place in hawaii n another while i was living in vegas, both highly highly inappropriate for this very very sacred public rant. on the other hand so sad that no end of the world though, but then again i never wanted the world to end, especially didn't want to face my death by crashing meteors when i was spread out over a mini snooker table taking sticks while drinking tequilas... jus looks bad for headlines "GIRL DIES ON COCKS" 😜 that might be a different story for another time though unles you tell me how you spent your END-OF-THE-WORLD day hehehhee but ummm yea. what have you guys got on for the xmas holidays and nye? i've already got loads of invites and stuff so no idea where to go, and a lot of em by randoms really like friends of friends of friends kinda stuff. really weird. its strange how some of them are kinda nasty invites like ", me n the boys wanna gag you over xmas carols" while some are kinda more gentlemanly ", merry xmas, wanna party on 24?" but we all know the underlying message is the same right? guys i'm not STUPID!!! much 😜
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merry xmas peeps!
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blah blah blah just bored and heavily westernized lol im bit of a ditz n a clutz but with a mind of a decadent little meatpie, the type of pie that wears short short skirts grew up in canada n came to states after highschool. enjoy chilling out n big fan of traveling, chatting, poker, clubbin, shoes, fashion and eating gummy bears wif red bull! heheh i have done some modeling with my little ass ive had insomnia for past such a bitch and being online is like the only way i can ignore it. for me nothing is sacred, likes to play it provocative! I also hav no problems with absolute perverts n in sex, always been a little yellow cum dump. grew up luving being playful, being mounted by white guys n having my skinny asian legs pressed apart exposin my asian honey holes to get bred by stranger-danger!!! call me your pixie nymph nothing is off limits, depravity is SEXAY!to me!!! imma a little cum devourer playhole luv my chinkiness or hate me! MUAHHH,

The World Wide Web
"United States"
Cock teaser
International Inc.
College of Higher Sex Education
Hack Hack Hack. not much interests me outside the same old same old i like red and black they make fine colors in the moon light, scary and silent. i like blue and purple when im tired because they soften me up. i also like yellow and green when im out because it reminds me how pretty this world is. but best of all i like clear transparent mirror of water because every texture i want i can see in that reflection. yes im narcisstic but only because i can be. you can be too if you had a little more confidence. in the human language that would be: travel, shoping, snooker, gambling, pachinko queen, cosmetics, self photography-modeling, piercings, flower art, trying new desserts, scary movies, humor and eating fast food (lol), keeping fit (i can see the contradiction yes) of mayb jus my legs lol, fruits , gummi bears, redbull is a must! and adventurin in new hotels n resorts.
I'd break your spirit if it wasn't already broken so lemme ask why my the selection of wat i view matters to you here? if its not porn or porn related then im not that interested. if its not porn related and it doesnt have a scary character or creature that lobs your head off or your ass dry im not too interested. if it doesnt hav morbid people being satirical, emos dying glorious deaths or supermodels made fat from magic i am not interested. if there are no clowns that eat i am not interested. if there is no mention of how sexy asian women r im probably not too interested. and if there is nobody dying in the first 40minutes im probably goin to or walk away cursing. Hmmm probably horror movies, psychological thrillers and everything mixing those two. i like to get spooked, ever since i saw exorcist wen i was young and coudnt for like a week. ive promised myself to never be afraid again. tat was until i saw alien wen i was young too, and then predator... yes wat a cruel chi
Don't you cry for me at... my funeral... unless its because i owe you money of 20k or more or because ruined your limited edition anything by sitting on it and i promised to get u a new one but didnt cause i fuckin died or because you jus remembered wat a greay tight body i had with smooth porcelain skin tiny hands and feet young twinkly eyes a needy wet mouth with perky red lips a set of knockers fit to fumble in your manhands for good fortune and a killer clean thigh with the loveliest curved edges on a little 90pound frame of slant breed. yes you missed out but no fear after the organ stops playing and the people leave angry and agitated for all the wrongs ive wronged them, spare sum time, pull out your cock and stick it in the dirt or me above my grave and honor me. i may rise up from beyond and jus grant you tat one last wish *wink* unless its still the money ur after in which case why the hell r u even here? Note really a music fan, i like a bit of r&b now and then and some kpop but tats about it. di
What's a book got to do with a porn site? unless its kama sutra but tat thing is soo lame. who needs instructions from a crappy picture book, jus use sum common sense and think- ok she has 3 holes i can put it in, i hav a penis, there is a table and here is a fish tank on top of a cabinet next to a floor lamp- i know, i'll smash her over the head with the lamp, put her over the table, empty the fish tank on her bac and tie her hands with the lamp chords. wat part of this is sex? hmmmmm not really sure but if you do find some hint of sex here you may need to see a psychologist or pop sum pills of color because ur really creepy..... i like..... :P Really im blind so reading is difficult. and i hav no fingers so the braille is hard too. so besides textbooks wich i hav to read i try not to try reading any other books. ive only been fascinated enough to seek out one book and tat was wen i was young and it was kama sutra after a friend got it for her bf for his birthday. but not much reading in tat i think...
Lots and lots of cum on my hair... i like cum... isnt it nature for a woman to b cummed? gokkun n nakadashi x2!!! tradition ays yes and inside, deeply so we can procreate and b intimate but i think its jus wat is right regardless. now we r secular modern ppl and we wear it everywhere, we swallow it, hav it blasted in our tiny buttholes and even let guys empty it into a glass or on a towel and we eat it from there. wat is different? nthing i think, jus a modern way to b intimate. only tat type of exchange is intimate, the man must mark her, even if jus for a short night or 10minutes, he must spray his seeds on her, let her feel it touch her skin and prefer to let it mingle with the insides of her cavities. i thinkthi is true 'making love' for me. it seals the session jus like how we hav a clit means we were nature's way of fuckin machines, jus like we r the only mammals with enlaarge front milk glands. yes we r, we cant deny it, we r all made to get drilled, caressed, pounded, fondled, perved, smashed, bred,
u tell me impossible, i tell u incredible, u tell me no, i tell u go, u tell me i must not, i tell u i hav, u tell me its not safe i tell u its jus great. if tat is my guide then my turnoff will only b the limits of the mind and body. watever u like or dislike, know anyone else may share opposite feelings. then lets jus not judge them. jus go along and b urself. i hate the ppl who cannot b themself, tat is the real turnoff. In english i think my major turnoff wud be pimples, theyre so disgusting, same with acne or the skin problems. and then theres cum in the hair which is yucky yuck yuck! then theres the obvious pain inflicting stuff which sum ppl r into but really i dun wan to be , im fragile and am at the end of the day, a girly girl, so not beating me, pls redirect to ur mums!
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