Hey guys, I’m really excited to share this free stock share promotion that I used and made money from today. are offering everyone who opens a free investment account a free stock share. The free stock you’ll be given has a worth of up to £100.
Lets start!
It’s really simple and quick to do this offer by following these 5 easy steps:
Click on
in this post to be taken to the website and select open account.
Fill your details into the form and when asked which account type, select INVEST.
Your account should be activated soon automatically, however you may need to manual verify your account.
To manually verify your account, log in and select Chat and choose Account Activation and follow the instructions given.
Once activated, you’ll need to top up your account with £1. Don’t worry you can withdraw this later.
You should receive an email prompt to do so. If not simply select account (located in the top right corner) and select deposit funds. Deposit instantly and with zero fees by using a credit/debit card.
Once your account has been activated and you’ve deposited £1 into the account, within 24 hours you will receive your free share. Your shares can be found at the bottom of your screen in ‘Open Positions’. If you want to sell your new share, select the ‘X’ on the share’s name to proceed with closing the position. You will see the money from the sale within your account once it’s sold.
When you’re ready to withdraw your funds including the £1 you topped up earlier to your card/bank account, click on the top right corner to access your account. From there, use the drop-down menu to find and select ‘Withdraw Funds’.