
I'm about 5'7 (without muh heels!) and around 125 lbs. (or less now) Fair skin, blue eyes, toned legs, and a great butt (or so im told!) and very dainty ;) I am very politically aware and am seriously into deep discussions on geopolitics. I am Pro-Russian! and very Anti-'business as usual'-establishment. I am very polite, open minded, and easily approached. I love being submissive. I'm not into being dominant. I've always considered myself female. I first thought this around 5 but had little concept of it, and just hoped i could 'grow' into it. By 10 I was a girl @ home / pretending to be a boy @ School. My official Transition (I.D., HRT, etc) begins this month (Oct-24th 2017) Past 'incidents' aside, I've had mostly Oral exp with men. Id like more with a Dominant man/men i can Trust someday, & to be dominated by a woman as well

Haven, Maine
Los Angeles
"United States"
Makeup! makeup! shopping for clothes, trying on clothes, wearing sexy clothes, panties, thongs, lingerie etc! I also love computer gaming, guns, reading, and keeping up on political events -- Namely Russian politics and keeping up on the Syrian war. (Warning! Pro Assad / Anti-Moderate Beheaders!) I enjoy learning new things and meeting new and interesting people! I also love painting maniatures, learning anything new / or historical about Soviet / Russian military growth/tech/etc. Love arguing with people on YT about politics and anything else I think I can contribute to (Warning! I am anti-'Dachau' Femmynist, anti-SJW, anti-full libbytards who wanna police muh langauge and take away muh freedoms ;) I love movies and books and trying new foods and even trying military rations from wherever. I am adventurous and am not afraid to try something new, even if there is some risks involved. Afterall, what is life without risks?
I dislike television as I find commercials repellent and embarrassing to watch. I DO like some shows and I only watch them on Netflix... It's Always Sunny, Trailer Park Boys, The Office, Walking Dead, Orange is the New Black, etc. Too many to list. I also love to watch anything posted by Kraut and Tea , Naked Ape, and Paul Joseph Watson on YT. Other notables are Steve1989, Mattv2099, Sargon of Akaad, Southfront, and SO much more! I spend more time watching YT and either trolling or mixing it up with people in comments. I know, i know, it's just a way for me to unwind somtimes :D Blade Runner, The Thing (1982), .... I like A LOT of different movies! Way too many to list here! These 2 were just off the top of my head.
Again, too much to list. I'll try to generalize I like , Katy Perry, Aurora, Deadmau5, Lords of Acid, Fayrouz, Ministry, Philip Glass, Megadeth, Siouxie And The Banshee's, Megan Traynor, E.L.O, The Cars, L7, Babes In Toyland, Natalia , the entire soundtrack for 'Hotline Miami, Madonna, Gold Frap, Peachez, Joan Jett, Mozart (esp. Symphony no. 25 in G ), James Horner, NIN, Mr. Anisimov, music for NES games by the Folin Brothers, the list goes on and on and on and on....
The Tommyknockers, The Stand, Christine, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, 1984, various books on history about Vietnam, Russia, weapons, aerospace. On the other end I love reading Elle, Vogue, Allure, and Cosmo ;)
I am *submissive!* I cannot stress that enough. I am ONLY submissive. Being gagged. Being tied up Being spanked/whipped/flogged I find men, tgirls, and genetic women attractive. I especially like the idea of an older, stronger man to dominate me. :) Or even just a young handsome man who is still much bigger / stronger than me to Dominate and bring me to HEEL ;) I like the romance as much as the kinky stuffs! and... speaking of kinky grown-uppy stuffs.. I like' ' / bdsm and other kinky types of role play. I also love erotic literature and sending steamy messages back and forth. ;) any questions about the aforementioned please don't hesitate to message me :)
Needle play, pee , animals, , and the basic yucky stuff! I dislike huge, fake boobs. **Important!** People who *don't* take care of their bodies! and I mean proper hygiene and looking after ones self! I put lots of effort into my hygiene as to feel comfortable and to be courteous to others! :) Lastly: Rude or temperamental types. I seriously dislike when people have to be thuggish to feel respected or use it as a security blanket. Newsmedia / 'Journalism' as its defined currently in the West.
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