Before you jump to conclusions, I want to make one thing clear. I do not view women as sex objects. They are human beings and we should treat each other with respect no matter what your opinion or desires may be. The only reason why I'm posting these videos is to fight off a masturbation addiction I've had for a few years, although it's not an extreme case. With every upload, I delete and recycle the original file with no desire to download these videos. I'll try not to make all of these videos private as I believe everyone should view them since the videos I upload are pretty obscure. Once I've uploaded what I need to, I'm done with this. I don't know if I'll delete this account afterwards. There are some videos I could not upload since the reasoning the site gave me was "Excretion of Body Fluids" and the s-word is banned which I find very hilarious since there's a lot of videos on this site much worse than the excuse I got. Anyways, for the s-word videos I edited, find me on eroprofile as lester48.
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