

PLEASE READ WHEN CONSIDERING ADDING ME: I was banned for DMCA (i've been there) I've tried the selective route where you just only add people that also have videos and that doesnt help. I'm gonna tell you why. When you decline someone's friend request, they report you out of spite. Then you get DMCA'd because of all the reports and you have to start all over. Now look before you say it. I get it. You dont wanna share videos that you paid for so easly. But honestly its getting harder and harder for me to find "GOOD" and "Different" Facesitting videos anymore( by good i mean, my taste of videos and by different i mean woth different pornstars. Its usually the same chicks everytime now). I Used to Upload quite a bit but now i only dont because of DMCA. As you can see i have quiet the collection of Favorites. Feel free to check those out! I just like to share what ive found and also keep the videos in case i want to look back at them. Anyway I add EVERYONE. Feel free to send a FR!

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