I love nothing more than a warm summer day in blissful quite contemplation amongst the trees and vines overlooking the river valley trench marked by the canopy of trees so far below the cliff i sit apon the rumbel of the falls and the rustle of the squirrels and twitter of birds near and far sometimes they forget im there and scamper right past me ... ill never forget that squrrel that in its play decided i was to be the next bit of high ground from wich it would scamper about in its game of tag the poor thing nearly jumped out of its skin when on my shoulder it came eye to eye with my eye bolting up a tree chittering and waveing its tail about like a goose does its neck or when in the early hours of morning a snake came to bask in the sun apon my folded leg and the mother deer that nursed her fawn not six feet away oblivious to my presence before moveing on
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