Update time!
I have a few things to cover. Mostly just what I'm gonna do with my future on this website.
If it can even be called that.
I just don't feel invested. As you can all see in my photos, I have a decent few videos. I've no shortage of clips, videos, and random tidbits I've obtained on my time lusting over a bunch of women beating the out of each other. Aaaaaaand that's where the issue lies.
Seriously, this is my taste? This is my interest? I mean, for real, who the fuck goes on Pornhub to watch wrestling videos? I'm an adult. With a life. I have bars near me. I have social gatherings. I have... things I could be doing. I'm just not as invested as I should be to be putting this much effort into what is essentially soft porn.
I've reuploaded my videos ten, times on this account alone, and I've had three accounts nuked on here because someone reported me. With Centurylink? It's fucking insane to keep uploading like that, and it's not worth the time. Not worth the privacy I have to keep either.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I might start logging on here less, and I may upload a video or two again, just to see how it goes, but I ain't gonna keep wasting my time with something that, in the end, is a porn site when I, a working-class adult, could just fucking buy the clips and not have to sit here and waste hours of my night away uploading.
Just food for thought, and I figured those who liked my videos should know. If you SERIOUSLY want some videos, message me. I might still check this god-forsaken site now and then.