post of the day #40
so basically its been 3 mths since a post of the day and its been awhile so heres another. but man time went by fast my first post of the day was in 2019 it almost thee yrs from that. Things change in thee yrs. Back then i was friends with someone from my schol, a rednek, a, a, and a . every year the group changed till it was js me w a new group. the redneck left and got a gf, then the other one left cos he only wanted to play w his cosin alonf w the smoka, and the hood idfk what happened. but my circle is way diff then it was before. also i got a gf for hoco so thays cool but im going to one at another hs cos our hs is only doing a fair or whatever anf the other is having an actual homecoming. this year also been weird starting off with me fixin, than rumours, then meeting a bunch of new friends, then finding out their weird pll, then meeting another friend then finding out their weird aswell. so thats fun. than i met this gorl and people were telingnus we should daye but i was woth someone else at the time soni didnt want her and when she asked me out i rejectd her and then she went coo coo. like after she made a story saying “im not in lve with (my name)” and she was saying i liked her and i was obsessed with her like wtf i rejected u wdym. then she made this acc and bulIird herself onnit as a way to show im obsessd with her but i checked the acc info and it was linked to her email so that’s embarassing. dont be friends w ppl who like olivia rodrigo!!