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Just Curiousity

Before you ask , im single and just wondering/curious about this about me..

"What I Look For In A Guy"

I've been doing a lot of thinking and re-arranging things in my life. The simpliest has to be the relationship (or lack of) part of my life. I can't dent that I get a lot of male (and sometimes female) XXX converstation evolves and it's asked, "What do you look for in a guy?" I reply with the same answer I've always given.

"I want someone who likes me for me. Someone who will come over and play video games and watch football with my family. Someone who will go on walks with me and take me out to breakfast. I want someone who tells me how lucky he is an d how beautiful he thinks I am. But I don't want someone who smothers me, or someone who gets overly jealous. I don't want someone who tries to control me or thinks I'm less than what I am. I want someone who makes me laugh and finds me just as hilarious as I think I am. I need that. I need someone who is okay with me being a little out there, a little different than anyone else they have ever met. Someone that knows that I am deeper than everyone thinks I am and encourages me to follow my heart. I want someone who offers to come to all my competitions, events, and dinners and knows that if they can only make one, that it is okay. I want someone who gets along with my mom AND dad AND step-mom. Someone who doesn't get awkward if they are left alone with them for more than 2 minutes. I want someone who appreciates when I get all fixed up for them and is proud when other guys check me out. Someone who has that level of confidence without the cockiness. I want someone who will wrestle with me AND Spartacus. Someone who knows my coffee order, thinks I drive like a champ, and always opens doors for me."

To say the guy I'm looking for is perfect would be untrue. I want somone who does the simple things that make them perfect for me. I've always known what I wanted and have settled for less in the past. No more though. I have taken a stand. Boyfriend-less for about 15 months now has made me realize, they're not that important. Sex isn't either. I'm actually practicing celibacy. I'm on month four now and it really hasn't been a problem. One day everything will fall into place, and when it does, I'll be ready.

What I haven't mentioned is what I like physically. This is by far the easiest thing to narrow down my search.

Physical Characteristics I'm looking for: Tall, nice teeth, strong hands, dark hair, broad shoulders, not skinny, good skin, tattoos, lip rings

What I don't like: Labret piercings, eyebrown piercings,uni-brows, bad posture, most

The Universe has been turned upside down. I, Dyamin is on the look out for something of substance. Those of you who know me know this is not characteristic like at all. I have a few requirements for this thing I want to try, so gentlemen, be honest. There is no point in making things up....


1. What's your ideal body type?

2. Would you sing to me or with me? Any song you want, and I promise not to laugh to hard.

3. Would you dance with me even if there wasn't any music? I love to dance randomly and I'm sick of doing it alone.

4. How are you at the game Time Crisis? I beat the game by myself using the red gun, but it's so much better with someone to cover your back.

5. Skinny dipping, I do it all the time. Naked is beautiful despite what anyone else thinks. Interested in going with me?

6. I need compliments to survive. I am confident, but I need the reassurance regardless. Could you help me live?

7. I think I am hilarious. How funny do you think I am?

8. About how much to you party? And how good are you at beruit?

9. Are you a tank or a light-weight?

10. Could you spend hours just listening to music? I want someone I can just lay with in my bed and listen to our favorite songs. I will most likely sing along with them.

11. Do you watch a lot of movies? Do you mind when people talk during them?
12. Are you a big talker? (I'm talking about intelligent conversation.) How much of it do you make up?
you listen to my stupid stories and think they are as funny as I think they are? ( Id oubt you can, but to at least listen and then make fun of me is enough.)

14. Do you have any special talents? I mean real skills, no matter what they are, girls like guys who have skills.

15. Do you embarass easily? I am known to embarass myself on a regular basis, not to mention the people around me.

16. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how sexual are you? This question always gives me interesting answers. PLEASE be honest.

17. Do you like the Steelers or Michigan? Because I like the Browns and Ohio State, this could cause friction, but I may be able to get over it. I just hope you're not a Yankees fan too.

18. Would you smile in pictures of us together? I love someone who smiles in pictures. I mean I'm always making dumb faces, it's okay if you want to follow suit.

19. Are you random/spontaneous/thoughtful/sincere?

20. Finally, Would you date me?
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I am the same way. I want someone that will get along with my sisters and mother? I'm a polite person. I'll hold the door open for you and take pictures with you.. and I am looking for someone that I will spend my life with. I want to make breakfast in bed and just chill and watch movies?
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im just on for porn nothing esle. but show love if you feel like it ;) aight bye all

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