解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Squire"
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解锁了一个新成就:"8 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"7 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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This Morning

Early this morning I accompanied my husband to Malpensa , he'll spend the day in Rome .... As usual , everything has run : knew last night, at 08:00 I'll go at work , at 19:00 I will be at home , There would already be , and tonight I'm going to take him .... 😥 Zero Possibility 'of arrange something ... ;( While were on the border line up for the luggage , since he had to load a couple of bags , I had the impression that behind .... huh? someone blew on my neck ? Or just kept touching ? But did it on purpose , it was true , it was just me .... something thin : I tried to take a saw in passing that he had a briefcase , and probably touched me in with that .... but it was on purpose? What could I do , just turn around and see, but I was so ' doubtful , I was beside my husband also , and then maybe it was just one with asthma !!! Anyways' loaded the luggage I accompanied my husband to board , basin and on, I went to drink a cappuccino . And I still felt the same aftershave , and again as a touched lightly on the thigh , the gluteal ... but ???? So I pretended to arrange the jeans , I have lowered a moment and this man was so ' stuck behind , we are gone I bumped into , so ' I had an excuse to turn around and see it! In fact I am turned to say "excuse me " , and him with a half smile does " Mary don't worry .... " , and looked at me with a smile .... Me: 😲 I think I left a few seconds with my mouth to " O " as the smiley faces , as I thought of waiting .... yes yes .... many years ago ! The first time he went out in mad joy , and I could afford it , this was one of the first guys that I had attended in raids that I got myself organized , wait ... Varese , over there ! Fabio ! YES YES !!!! We went out together 4o5 times , even to dance and restaurants , and then behind a nightclub closed in the car !!! 😜 Maybe he lived with his parents .... we went by the way in its Lancia Lybra , and strange case now I have! 😀 Wow ..... more ' graying and balding , but clean and friendly !!!!!! The problem ' that I immediately thought : I look like a piece .... ago did not take much , a dress a bit ' tight and skimpy , little makeup and and already ' I felt pretty, unfortunately now I need a little ' more ' time and care , to hide flaws , highlight some form and feel appreciated , but I was there ' for accompany my husband not to go dancing : super covered, abundant jeans , tennis shoes ... disaster !!! Anyways, ' I am still well remembered ! Even the name , we have started with the usual BUT BY ! How is it going ? etc .... I am taking a hot tea , just for the excuse to have a little ' warm and at least remove the overcoat and cardigan , at least be able to loose shirt button on the neck .... not a transformation from ugly duckling to swan , but anyway .... at least a little something .... 😀 we have talked for half an hour , then had to leave : me " I finally saw your husband ! So you solved , you are together .... " I do not remember more ' what I had said , if we had a fight , or if he betrayed me or if it was always away from home , in short, I never liked to say too much , always inventing something to justify that I was around , I liked the company , and over ..... he remembered my daughter , when I told him of the small 12 , made two eyes so ' !!!! 😀 In fact the period could also be right , so I quickly reassured : the is the portrait of his father , no doubt !!! 😀 In short .... I was excited to have met him so casually , slowly I remembered as we were , what we did .... how, where and ..... I aroused a mess ! he 's still a handsome man , sure! I was more ' dubious of what he thought of me, mah ? I never would have tried to find him, as I have never tried to find again the former boys with I have had some relationship , but knowing to meet him , I would have definitely taken care of more ' and put more' cute .... sigh !!!! But ... all the time he was close to me .... touched ? Leaning ? or were only impressions .... or the crowd , so I had to ? Situations a little embarrassing , I was so excited that I would have left do willingly , but if I was wrong was a fool to bury me ! Luckily he's become a bit ' more' clear before boarding , when I have just embraced , there we are given a basin and told me that I was still attractive as when I knew ! So ' I am finally been able to let go , I embraced I even for a kiss on the lips , and I also heard that , probably in a row was the briefcase I felt lean , but that also was something hard in his pants !!! 😀 I just touched , but I was curious .... then started the third kiss , this time for real! he accompanied my hand between his legs , and yes there was something serious , all right !!!!! and remembered it well : also nice bulky , and hard !!!!! WOW !!! So I found myself at the airport ,feeling his cock in my hand , tongue in his mouth and his hand on my breast !!!! I do not know how many seconds , but I almost became weak legs if we continued , I was giddy with excitement !!! 😀 I hope we meet again , he said : " we will meet a few days? " YES YES !!!!! heck I was so ' done and on track , that if he I had asked " would you do me a blowjob here ? " I know that I would have said yes , and I would put down ' ! 😀 I was not so ' excited for a lifetime ! drive back home I could not sit still , and as soon as I came back a little while ago , as soon as I found that there was no one even by accident at home , I ended up on my knees in the room , with the forehead to the ground , masturbating like crazy .... 😜 like a splashed teenager! 😀 however, as I can not tell anyone about these things , or so little , and it is still so alive .... at least I am lost here half an hour to write it , I calmed down , the temperature dropped , and I vented : I hope I did well write it ! If I bored excuse me , but I had to ! 😀 Kisses , Maria . :*
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Stamattina prestissimo ho accompagnato mio marito a Malpensa, passera' la giornata a Roma.... Come al solito, tutto s'e' saputo ieri sera: io alle 08:00 andro' al lavoro, alle 19:00 saro' a casa, ci saran gia' i figli, e questa sera vado a prenderlo.... 😥 Possibilita' di organizzarmo qualcosa zero... ;( Mentre eravam in fila per i bagagli, visto che doveva caricare un paio di borse, avevo l'impressione che dietro.... boh? mi soffiava uno sul collo? O continuava a toccarmi dentro? Ma faceva apposta, era vero, era una mia impressione.... una cosa sottilissima: ho provato a dare un'occhiata, ho visto che aveva una valigetta di sfuggita e probabilmente mi toccava dentro con quella.... ma faceva apposta? Che potevo fare, voltarmi proprio a vedere, ma era cosi' dubbia, avevo di fianco mio marito anche, e poi forse era solo uno con l'asma!!! Vabbe' caricati i bagagli ho accompagnato il marito all'imbarco, bacino e via, son andata per farmi un cappuccio. Ed ho sentito ancora lo stesso dopobarba, e ancora come una toccata leggera sulla coscia, sul gluteo...ma???? Allora ho fatto per sistemare i jeans, mi son abbassata un attimo e questo era cosi' attaccato dietro che ci son andata io a sbattere contro, cosi' avevo la scusa per girarmi e vederlo! Infatti mi son girata per dire "mi scusi", e questo con un mezzo sorriso fa "figurati Maria....", e mi guardava con un sorrisetto.... Io: 😲 Penso di essere rimasta qualche secondo cin la bocca ad "O" come le faccine, mentre pensavo spe.... sisi.... tanti anni fa! Le prime volte he uscivo a pazza gioia, e potevo permettermelo, questo era stato uno dei primi ragazzi che avevo frequentato nelle scorribande che mi organizzavo, spe... di Varese, da quelle parti! Fabio! SISI!!!! Siam usciti assieme 4o5 volte, anche a ballare e ristoranti, e poi dietro una discoteca chiusa in macchina!!! 😜 Viveva coi suoi forse.... andavamo tra l'altro nella sua Lancia Lybra, e caso strano adesso la ho io! 😀 Caspita..... piu' brizzolato e stempiato, ma carinoooo!!!!!! Il problema e' he ho pensato subito: son messa come una pezza.... fa bastava poco, un vestito un po' attillato e succinto, poco trucco e e gia' mi sentivo carina, ora purtroppo ho bisogno di un po' piu' tempo e cura, a nascondere i difetti, avidenziare qualche forma ed sentirmi apprezzabile, ma ero li' per accompagnare mio marito non per andare a ballare: supercoperta, jeans abbondanti, tennis... disastro!!! Vabbe' mi son comunque ben ricordata! Anche il nome, abbiam cominciato coi soliti MADDAI! Come va? ecc.... Mi son presa un the caldo, giiusto per la scusa di avere un po' caldo e almeno togliere il cappottone e il cardigan, riuscire almeno a slacciare il bottone della camicia sul collo.... non una trasformazione da brutto anatroccolo a cigno, ma insomma.... qualcosina almeno.... 😀 abbiam parlato per una mezz'ora, poi doveva partire: mi fa "finalmente ho visto tuo marito! Quindi avete risolto, siete insieme...." Non ricordo neanche piu' che gli avevo detto, se avevam litigato, o se mi tradiva o se eras sempre via da casa, insomma non mi e' mai piaciuto dire troppo, inventavo sempre qualcosa per giustificare che ero in giro, che mi piaceva la compagnia, e oltre..... ricordava di mia figlia, quando gli ho detto del piccolo di 12 ha fatto due occhi cosi'!!!! 😀 In effetti il periodo poteva anche essere giusto, quindi l'ho subito tranquillizzato: e' il ritratto del padre, niente dubbi!!! 😀 Eh insomma.... ero eccitatissima ad averlo incontrato cosi' per caso, pian piano mi tornava in mente come stavamo, cosa facevamo....come, dove..... e mi eccitavo un casino! lui e' ancora un bell'uomo, eccome! Ero piu' dubbiosa di cosa pensava di me, mah? Non l'avrei mai cercato come non ho mai cercato gli ex con cui ho avuto qualche relazione, ma a saperlo mi sarei sicuramente curata di piu' e messa piu' carina.... sigh!!!! Pero'... tutto il tempo mi stava vicino.... mi sfiorava? Si appoggiava? o eran solo impressioni.... o la ressa, per questo mi toccava dentro? Situazioni un po' del cavolo, ero cosi' eccitata che l'avrei lasciato fare volentieri, ma se mi sbagliavo era una figuraccia da seppellirmi! Per fortuna si e' fatto un po' piu' chiaro davanti all'imbarco, quando mi ha abbracciata appena, ci siam dati un bacino e mi ha detto che mi trovava ancora attraente come quando mi conobbe! Cosi' finalmente mi son potuta lasciare andare, l'ho abbracciato anche io per un bacio sulle labbra, e ho anche sentito che, probabilmente in fila era la valigetta che sentivo appoggiarsi, ma che comunque anche nei pantaloni c'era qualcosa di duro!!! 😀 Sfiorato appena, ma ero curiosa.... allora e' partito il terzo bacio, stavolta serio! mi ha accompagato lui la mano tra le sue gambe, e c'era si' qualcosa di serio, eccome!!!!! e ricordavo bene: anche bello paciotto, e duro!!!!! WOW!!! Insomma mi son ritrovata in aeroporto a stringergli l'uccello con la mano, lingua in bocca e la sua mano sul seno!!!! Non so quanti secondi, ma mi cedevano quasi le gambe se continuavamo, ero stordita dall'eccitazione!!! 😀 Ci rivedremo spero, mi fa "ci incontriamo qualche giorno?" SISI!!!!! Cavolo ero cosi' fatta e in pista che se mi avesse chiesto "me lo fai qui un pompino?" mi sa che avrei detto si e mi sarei messa giu'! 😀 Non ero cosi' eccitata da una vita! in auto per tornare a casa non riuscivo a star ferma, e appena son rientrata poco fa appena ho apurato che non c'era nessuno neanche per sbaglio a casa, son finita in ginocchio in sala fronte a terra, a masturbarmi come una selvaggia.... 😜 Tipo schizzata! 😀 Oh, e siccome le posso raccontare a nessuno ste cose, o cosi' poco, ed e' ancora cosi' viva.... aleno mi son persa qui mezz'ora a scriverla, mi son calmata, la temperatura e' scesa, e sfogata: spero mi abbia fatto bene scriverlo! Se ho annoiato scusatemi, ma dovevo! 😀 Bacioni, Maria. :*
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ciao Maria, bellissima esperienza
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Can we see it on english
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Freshman"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Hand Held"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Virgin"
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This night....

....I'd like so much....
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I opened this page as a game with my husband years ago, but he become sick about pornhub, and now I keep my page with some friends, just to show mine and our pics, and get friends! :)

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