
I AM NO LONGER WITH MY 1ST PARTNER IN THIS LIFESTYLE. He will always be my friend, & the one who tapped into my deeper sexuality, but I have found the rare person who embraces and shares my adventurous side, but also fills the place in me that craved the feeling of a mutual desire to be with that 1 person, while exploring our perversions together. *****I DO NOT GIVE MY PERMISSION TO USE MY LIKENESS IN ANY PUBLIC FORUM- WHETHER OR NOT FOR PROFIT!!!! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!!!

Galaxy Heights, TN
Galaxy Heights, TN
"United States"
Adult Interest Liaison & Amateur Cam Model
Such a wide variety of interests! If you're curious, just ask me :-) JessyLynx or Jessylynx5150 Sutton was a name chosen early on, and she represents a part of myself who has grown and changed quite a bit. I can't share links here, but if you are smart, you'll find my new media...
Cool Hand Luke.Avengers! Star Wars. Guardians of the Galaxy. Vertigo. Inception. This Is The End.
I admire Bob Dylan above all as a lyricist/songwriter, with Jarvis Cocker of Pulp a close 2nd, but I enjoy listening to ALL genres (except some "death metal" types), depending on my current mood.
Marvel Comics. Star Wars: Tales From Mos Eisley Cantina. Anything by Stuart Woods. Ray Bradbury. The Hunger Games series. One of my many guilty pleasures is Young Adult fiction/horror: Gossip Girl, Private, Vampire Diaries, etc...(I guess I love thinking about hot teenage girls!)
In Men: Confident, a little cocky, but equally down to Earth- takes pride in himself without taking himself too seriously. Passionate about (hobbies,interests) film, music, etc. I can seduce him, but he will take the reigns once things get serious- MY Man is able to pin me down, choke me out, spit in my mouth, slap my face, & fuck me like a dirty slut; and I can enjoy my role because he also makes me feel safe- He looks at me like I am the most Amazing creature on Earth, even when we are in bed with an uber-sexy 21 yr old fuckbuddy & prof porn on the flatscreen. *Any man who can make a woman feel equal parts 1. "Worthless slut/Dirty Fuck Doll/Piece of Meat" & 2. "Precious Angel/Breathtaking Beauty/Sex Goddess," is a man who will never have to question his skills in bed! In Women/Girls: Like my men, my girls must also be able to fill multiple roles in my bed! In contrast, I usually prefer to take the l
Blatant stupidity. When my man & I choose a couple or an extra girl or guy, I'm not looking for another husband/wife, but we generally enjoy casual friendships with our casual hookups.For me, especially, this means finding people who can carry on a normal convo- and send msgs that are at least quasi-grammatically correct! I don't need an A+ essay, but my 2 biggest turn offs . Chewing w/ mouth open! & 2. People too lazy to take a tiny bit of pride in their intelligence.
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