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Dirty Mind Test: Is Your Mind as Dirty as Mine?

I’m starting to believe that looking at too much porn is corrupting my mind. I know, it sounds like something you hear from grandma or your conservative forth teacher that looks like a virgin. I can hear them saying: “I told you so.”

I’m not saying that porn will make you go blind or send you to hell to be Satan’s concubine for eternity; or any other like that. All I started to realize is that ever since I started working with porn, I started seeing things differently. Situations on the street, things people say and even billboards... Everything seems like something out of a porn movie or perfect for a porn site.

I had this insight the other day after I had an awkward situation. I work part-time at a Café as a waitress (top on, gents, sorry!). At lunch time there was this couple staring at me looking anxious to order. They were an older couple, the lady looked old enough to be my mother and she dressed very conservative and old-fashioned. As I went to take their order I overheard the lady talking:

“…I kept licking. My tongue was starting to feel numb but from the look on Sarah's face I decided to keep going so I could make her happy. She was always polite. She kept looking down and asked me if I wanted to swap. I refused. Let her have her fun, you know.

After a while my tongue felt raw. I couldn’t get anything wet properly. So, I decided to use my fingers. I made sure I kept them nice and wet, but no matter how much faster I tried to do it, I just couldn’t keep it up anymore. So we swapped, I let Sarah go down and do some of the licking and I’ll sit back and enjoy.”

Did you figure out what this lady was talking about? You can imagine the shock on my face when I heard this. This was an old lady talking!

As I came to their table to get their order I nearly chocked (on my own saliva, might I add) and probably ended up looking like a moron with my face all flushed and tears in my eyes. I was straining not to laugh and could hardly keep focused on what they ordered. I had to ask them five times to repeat the order and in the end I could tell they were getting frustrated.

Despite what I had just heard the man looked calm and even bored of what she had to say. 'Maybe he needs his dose of viagra', I thought. I hung around pretending to take notes to hear the end of the conversation. The lady continued:

“Where was I? Ah yes, I eventually went down to help her – using only my fingers. After about five minutes, my fingers were dry and ended up getting this paper cut. It everyw…”

It took me a while to figure out what she was talking about. At least this last bit had convinced me it wasn’t about lesbian sex. It was only later when I heard the word marriage envelopes that I managed to put two and two together.

Ok, so I didn't precisely write what she said. I don’t have a perfect recollection of the exact words she used, but it was around those lines. Now seriously: Is my mind that dirty? What would you have thought?

I get the feeling that according to my grandma and my teacher I'm going to hell. See you there!
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Naked Shame – The Aftermath to The Infamous Naked Pizza Delivery

The consequences of our acts will one day catch up to us. Though nothing has happened to me after that infamous naked pizza delivery, I could not rid myself of the cold feeling in my stomach.

Yes, it was exciting and fun. I do see myself as adventurous person and I would be willing to try most things. I say most things because there is a limit and I don't want people commenting on the obviously disgusting things - I've seen enough videos on the web, thank you very much.

I have been topless in a beach, kissed other girls, went skinny dipping and so forth (I'll save these stories for blog posts when i run out of topics). But this time it felt different. I could not shake the feeling that doing things without reflecting on the repercussion is wrong.
What if my parents found out?
What do the neighbors think of me?

Now I know for some people it's easy to do these things. Surely seems the case for the boys in this house. Of course, for someone who has run nude across campus, getting naked for a pizza boy is a walk in the park. But I have self-respect, and though I feel that this is the first of many adventures now that I'm living with these two AA dropouts, I still feel a bit concerned about being too reckless.

Maybe it's just my paranoid brain over-thinking things, or maybe it's just the curse that being a woman always makes you concerned about what others think of you. I did learn that near-lethal-dose of alcohol can quickly remedy this.

My concerns were best summed up when I expressed these thoughts to my brother. He simply stared at me blankly and blurted out: "What's the use of self-respect?"
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Did I get naked or what? (Final Part)

continuing from previous post...

When I heard what my brother said, I couldnt contain myself: What? Where did you read that? I snapped when I saw his cheeky grin The cover of some porn movie, I bet! Well its too easy when its me, why dont you do it? Im quite reserved with regards to having slutty behavior and my brother knows that. He calmly replied: Cause if I answer the door naked, the price of the pizza would double.

He had me there. I was starving and desperate. He knows Im not so inhibited about getting naked so he just pushed the right buttons and convinced me it wasnt slutty since I was doing it out of desperation and not to get my freak on, so it was ok. Damn him and his player smoothness! He even convinced me that it I did a shot of tequila it would calm my nerves down for the task at hand… Im getting on him one day, I swear.

When the delivery boy rang the door bell, I was standing beside my brother wearing only a Tshirt. Even though he is my brother and has seen me naked before, I still feel shy around him – hes a grown man of 24 and though I know he doesnt look at me with the same eyes that other guys had when I went to a topless beach, but it still makes me uncomfortable.

As I was standing next to him the shot (or three) of tequila started making my head spin and give me that familiar confidence you feel when youre getting . I felt hotter than Miss Australia. Maybe I could pull this off. I realized that my empty stomach must have really helped accelerate things. It amazes me that we manage to run out of food once a week, but our liquor cabinet seems to always have 5 or more bottles of hard liquor. Thats the beauty of living with guys, for you.

He popped his head out of the door and said Hey, pizza slave! Have you ever seen a naked woman besides your mom? The greasy faced delivery boy didnt even have time to answer and my brother just continued Well heres your chance. Ill make a deal with you: I get a hot model to answer this door naked and you pizza is on you. He really has a talent for offending people doesnt he? But I have to say, his attitude is convincing and even charming at times.

Meanwhile I was standing beside him trying to suck up courage to do it. When he first insulted the boy, I started to walk off, but my stomach rumbled and in my state I started to believe that it was the only course of action and it had to be done!

I sucked up the courage, pulled off my shirt and as soon as heard my brother make the offer, I pushed him out of the way open the door so the boy could see me full frontal. I must have blushed a bit because I could feel the heat on my face. I kept my cool, and confidently handed him the $6.45 (and 3000 pesos) we had found and said: This is your tip. He just stared at me like he had never seen a naked woman before (maybe he never had). His mouth was open and I could swear he was going to or cum. So I just plucked the pizza and drink from him and added Goodnight. As I closed the door I heard him mumbling Thank you, m…SLAM.

Then after 5 seconds of silence I heard a booming laughter from the hall Hahahahahaha… Sis, I never thought you were game enough to do it… hahahahahah… did you see the look on his face… I think he creamed himself… hahahahaha! Jerk. I couldnt help laughing though. That was all the encouragement he need to keep going Cover your shame woman! Or There better be no hair on my pizza otherwise youre gona have to get a Brazilian!

And I must say, I dont know if it was the , the hunger or the adrenalin; but it was the best tasting pizza I had in my life. I threw some tequila with the coke because I still needed t be to deal with what just happened. Needless to say, I will never order Dominos again. I guess my brother knew it, because the next morning he just looked at me and said: Should we get Pizza Hut tonight?

Im not a fan of being evil and manipulating men just because I have a pair of tits. I feel bad when I do it – which is not often. Is it wrong to do what I did to that poor delivery boy?

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Would you get naked for this? (First Part)

I had a lot of reasons to get naked in life, but I ever thought I would have to do it for this. Although it felt kind of kinky, I don't think the circumstances were right to get me in the mood. But since the story is funny, I do think it has to go on record.

This weekend I was at home on Saturday with my brother (you're probably going to hear a lot about him, since we live and work together now). It was raining hard and just for a change our fridge was emptier than strip club with no strippers. The situation was so bleak, that we didn’t even have ketchup in there. I even wonder why keep It on sometimes. To make things better, my brother lent our car to our other housemate who wasn’t gone b back till the next day. Dumbass! So we did what could…

We called the number on the emergency speed dial. Domino’s pizza. I hate Domino’s, but my brother always hopes that they’ll be 30 minutes late and we’ll feast on free pizza. Never happens. We all know they drive like they’re on crack – their life depends on it.
When it comes time to decide who’s going to pay, he just tells me: “I forgot my wallet in my car… No seriously, Bri…” – I live with a genius! I went to get my wallet and add it to his debt account only to discover that I had no money too… Oh dear…

Now the closest ATM is about 3 km away, and according to my brother: swiping your credit card between the delivery boy’s but cheeks doesn’t work. Apparently it works even worse with strippers. I was starting to feel the panic rise not, to mention the hunger. I’ve never gone without eating for a day and this wasn’t going to be my first time. So I started hunting for money all over the house: in the laundry, in old pairs of jeans, dusty drawers. It was quite an effort. In the end, we managed to find $6.45 and 3000 Chilean Pesos…

Not nearly enough to pay for a pizza. Let alone 2 and pizzas (one gourmet) and a coke. When I was close to despair from this situation, feeling like a homeless who couldn’t even afford her own food, my brother says: “Don’t worry I have an idea…”

I must have given him a classic comic boy look because he said: “Chillax …” So I decide to entertain him. I asked him what his idea was.

“It’s real simple, Bri, I read something once about how this chick managed to get free pizza.” he said, “All you have to do is answer the door naked!”

I’ll tell you what I did in my next blog post. But I ask you this: what would you have done?

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I feel so special...

Wow! So many people adding me on my first day here and I haven't even managed to post anything... How did word get out so fast?

Well, now that it is out, I might as well tell you a bit about me:

I am a webmaster for the website Soccer Moms MILF. It's currently under development (giving me hard work). It's nearly done aside from the fact that I'll be adding new pages and galleries everyday. Why does a Lady like me have a porn site you ask?

Here's the short version: I've always been a fan of soccer (or maybe of the players). I've also have pretty good graphic design skills. So, I decided I should create create a website with something about soccer. Seeing how my brother spent most of his living hours looking at porn, I thought it would be a good idea to create a porn site. One thing led to another and I decided to tag along to the soccer mom fad... sounds pretty lame, eh?

Well, I wish I could tell a more entertaining story of how I used to be a stripper and had a life long crush on a Soccer Mom who dumped me and ran away with her future husband; and I did a website out of ! But alas, that wouldn't be the truth...

And in case you're wondering: no I don't act in any of the movies myself - but that's mainly because I'm not a mom and I'm not married. I'll give it some though if I ever start a soccer-babes website. And I'll make sure that I'm always the babe of the day... hihihihi...

Now I must get back to work. But If you do happen to visit Soccer Moms MILF please leave your HONEST feedback. I'm working hard to get more content up but woman - and my brother seems to stare at the photos rather than upload them.

Keep an eye for some videos from the site around here!


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Wow that was a lot of comments for one day!
Does anyone know how long it takes to get video uploads approved?
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you have very lucky
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I am deeply philosophical on the inside, but fun and outgoing on the outside (at least that's what my friends tell me). I am in the process of creating some websites which was mainly fueled by my interest in Soccer... I would tell you more, but I rather you find out for yourself.

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