Smoking Fetish - I Love Girls That Smoke Cigarettes. Growing up i was repeatedly told by my parents how disgusting smokers were, how bad it smells, how stupid of a habit it was, which only ended up making me incredibly curious. If smoking is as disgusting and as bad for you as my parents told me i thought, why would so many beautiful women smoke? That's my biggest kink, Gorgeous women that can't get enough of smoking. I fuck w mistresses that force you to smoke and blow smoke in your face , but the whole ashtray and spitting thing is too far. Its a shame because in 90% of Dom videos you can't find force smoking or blowing smoke in face videos that don't also include human ashtrays or spitting as well. Not the end of the world though, theres more than enough young and beautiful heavy smokers on here to make up for it. Add Me if You have uploaded Smoking Fetish videos n Your Account.
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