解锁了一个新成就:"7 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Virgin"
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解锁了一个新成就:"Miss/Mister Popularity"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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Even when it rains...

The last few days have been hell to endure....but with the help of 2 special ladies (they know who they got thru this...I thank them, and hold them up high🙂 Thank you J&Y I don't know what I would have done without the both of you to get me thru this...
I went out today to pick up a few things go see my best friend Jenn and have a tea...hahaha the last thing Jenn said was "You live close and if al else fails run thru the rain drops Sweet Pea LOL"
WELL I made it almost half way home when the heavens opened up and it just POURED down me, and soaked me to the bone in just a few short blocks from home..
As the rain got harder and harder and not expecting rain today I didn't take my umbrella, so with only a knit sweater on I turned up my i-pod hit a side street and sang loud and danced all the way home hehehe nobody was around so I thought what the heck...then I saw this HUGE puddle...Yup you guessed it, as I was singing I jumped into the puddle and splashed around just jumping up and down in white jeans and a white knit sweater, and...I LIKED IT!!!!! I tilted my head to the down pour and and was reminded of the times Jr and I used to play and dance in the rain and find the biggest puddles..I smiled for the first time 4days no tears just a rain soaked smile...I looked up into the sky,I heard Jr laughing and I said "Ya Ya you can stop laughing at me anytime you like Jr"
The sadness is gone, the rain washed it all away.....
I love you my friend thank you for teaching me to always keep it simple

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When the ones we love are too soon

Siiigh...When I met you my life was in an up-roar, then you came in and made things sunny and bright again...18yrs isn't long enough of a life to know and begin to develop the "you" that you could have been should have been..
I play that day over and over again, thinking was there something I should have done to prevent your tragedy....
In a heart beat you were given to me, as a friend as close as a son that I could have asked for/wanted...
Now later...I sit here knowing I could have saved you like we always promised...😢 You will always say, until the day I see you again
Life is too short not to LIVE.....
Well my sweet one..I am weary, I am worn, I am tired, beautifully broken without you.....
Until we meet again, I wait alone without you...
The cherry blossoms are open Jr...and soon the daisies will smile upon us again
The grass is soft under my feet..
The breezes warmer by the day.....
I await the butterflies....The sweet smell of Jasmine flowers remind me that your close...My tears are many...
My pain is great
Why did God have to take you sooo young???
Ok to my bed I go..
where I can see you again....

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Sigh almost over

The storm is almost over..I can see the sun shining and opening the cherry blossoms....*takes a deep breath* My chest is heavy with this damn cold..but no worries, as with all things..This too shall pass...
Sigh I long to walk in the sunshine, it's been raining soooo long, yes I like the puddles they are fun to splash in but I want the sun to warm and freckle my skin...
The clouds are receding I can see the sun🙂
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Just when u think things are getting better...
POOF everything turns to
Don't bother asking cuz I aint tellin'
Makes me want to scream real fucking LOUD!!!!
Stop this spinning ride I Want The Fuck OFF NOW!!!!

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Holy Already!!!!

Just becuz I won't add men or couples doesn't mean I am a PRUDE...Just means I am on here for woman...That's it That's all!!!!! Not a man hater...So find something new to call me!!!!!!!!!!! Sheesh!!!! And read my info before you go adding me....It is quite clear🙂........AND what's more...I take the time to take and post photo's, it would be nice if they got commented on every once in awhile...*drops hint*
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Are Men Really That dumb?!?!?!?!

I SWEAR IT'S THE SAME DAMNED THING EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I go t my requests, and it nothing but yucky nasty disgusting MEN requesting me...So I started telling them off. Ya know what I wish the men would network and say "that tank girl is a real cunt did you see what she posted to my wall, useless waste of space she is...Stay away from her she's a man hater!!!!" But NOOOOO as usual the CURSE OF THE REDHEAD strikes again!!!!!!!!!!! Cock Cock and more COCK EVERY DAY, I have started calling my request list the reject role call it has gotten so bad!!!!! Uggg I put DICK FREE ZONE beside my real name fuck some of these MEN have looked at my full profile I know cuz when I go to their profile to bitch them out they have looked at my videos I have posted, so they have seen DICK FREE ZONE....I won't even add girls who have too much cock on their list or in their videos ewwwwwww gross!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Happy Birthday to ME

Happy Birthday to MEEEEE, and my present to myself today can be summed up in one phrase PAY BACKS A BITCH!!!!!!!
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Anytime Charlie🙂 and Thank you soo very much for the video Yoko🙂 Seppun....
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GRRRRRRRR I've HAD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I have NO problems with couples adding me, what I do have an issue with is when a couple adds me and has ONE album with 5 pictures of said girlfriend, and 5 count them 1,2,3,4,5!!!!! Albums of NOTHING BUT COCK?!?!?!?!? Ya know what FUCK you and u can suck my big fat COCK, I know it's ONLY a MAN tryin' to get some love outta ME, sooooo piss off all u FAKE Couples.....U wanna add me ladies feel free I don't care if u have a man, I don't careif ur single PLEASE LADIES post pics of YOURSELF I really could care less about ur EX GIRLFRIENDS!!!!! Sure add pics of them, but have pics of YOU with them, or pics of YOU PERIOD!!!!!! ENUFF of this bullshit, u wanna be o n my list GREAT just have actual pictures of YOU...Ok I feel better🙂
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OMG I swear men are the dumbest creatures on the face of this EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still getting guys requesting me!!!!!!!! FUCK My Name states DICK FREE ZONE Get over urselves, NO MEN!!!!
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what grinds my fucking gears grrrrrr

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.......Like I swear guys on here only look at the girls pic and not any of her info not even her name, FML, I even listed myself as Katie (DICK FREE ZONE) and yet I still get guys harassing Me, ugggg DUDE I don't want a fuck stick, I own a strap-on that is probably BIGGER than YOU, I anna besum girls FUCK STICK now piss off leave me alone don't even request me ur all getting rejected,FUCK STICKS BEWARE and or I will start adding msging and deleting all you fuck sticks just to tell u the FUCK off...Grrr go away no BOYS ALOWED!!!!!!
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cute red headed bi female and yes the carpet matches the curtains if there wuz a carpet to match lol so I am here for chicks and chicks only no need for dicks here this is a no dick zone...SO Fuck Sticks LEAVE Me ALONE, or be BITCH SLAPPED, with my strap-on.....Ok Back to ME I love dirty talk and actually get off on it so feel free to leave me steamy inboxs to read and fantasize about, I am petite 5ft 1 ad a half with,perky 36b hand sized titties and fair skin and freckles tee hee care to play connect the dots.....

house wife
George Brown College, Toronto Canada
I REALLLLLY enjoy reading erotica, and also really enjoy a good raunchy conversation weather it be thru e-mails msn or fone:) I love to go sex toy shopping and own a few toys:) As for normal hobbies, I am a nature girl at heart and yes enjoy sex outside and am a exhibitionist, when it comes to the great outdoors. I LOVE hockey and am an avid fan, I enjoy soccer as well. I do live near the water so I enjoy camp fires on the beach, with dinner. and a quick feel and grab when no one is looking......
Girls Girls Girls and Oh ya Girls LOL,I am a simple girl at heart, but love a good bottle of Rose',and a fat joint of pot, guys who don't mind if I fuck their girlfriends,girls who understand that yes I have a man, but I play alone, and he doesn't have to be involved or even home.....I love the beach and live near the water,
People who go thru my photo's and don't comment, I put them there for a reason!!!!!cock pics as avatars,guys posing as girls,guys who won't take no for an answer, JUST FUCK STICKS IN GENERAL.... Girls who are teases and lead me on, fake people, and just falseness in general, I have no time for rudeness stigma or behavior, or guys who get off on watching woman enjoy each other,
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