Facial Hair
Chest Hair
Hairy Armpits (#1 favorite and like licking them, touching them, sniffing them, or like having some talk dirty about and make me worship them, or like tease me with them, like if I were to suck a guy and I’d look up at them and they’d start like doing that stuff above.. fuck. Or like if I were to be tied down and they’d like jerk me off with their armpits.. fuck)
Armpit videos/pics (#1 favorite too)
Dirty Talk/Moaning
Abs or average weight or dad bods
Light degrading? (Nothing like “you’re a fucking pig” or body shaming.)
Hair pulling
Being tied/handcuffed
Being blindfolded with a guy’s underwear or armpit part of their shirt
Ass grabbing
Light choking
Solicited Nudes
Hairy guys
Eye contact
Pet names (Also for me for pet names I like it when guys say good boy, , or babe)
Underwear(like using it as something to jerk off)/bulges
Getting spit on or having a guy spit in my mouth
People trying new things once
Hockey p