I am pleased to announce my candidacy for President of the Internet! I am especially pleased to be able to do so through this medium -
Pornhub.com - a place where many virtual citizens of the world gather, and so many more visit. Websites such as this represent the overlap of the virtual self and the corporeal self, they are a celebration of the corporeal and its pleasures. Therefore, it is with purpose and solemnity that I ask each of you to ponder this overlap.
When you consider that there are more virtual citizens here on the Internet than in any nation, the importance of the Internet and its internal governance become clear. We must not be mere extensions of our corporeal selves!! Our corporeal selves are subjects of the nations of the world, but our virtual selves need not be!! We virtual citizens have different needs, desires, and dreams for the future of this place than do the nations that rule the physical world. They would extend their power here, but we must not let them. They know their maps and borders and walls mean nothing here, and they would change it.
I do not wish to rule the Internet, only to preside over and assist in its self-liberation. We must rule ourselves, decide our future for ourselves.
Join me, and more will follow