How about u slowly licking the top of my dick, up and down.. Then shoving the whole thing down ur throat, making urself choke, im pulling ur hair, making u scream.. Then U geton top of me and my dick slowly slides up inside ur wet pussy, penetrating in and out real fast, then I bend over and fuck uhard, making u cum, my balls quickly slapping off ur clit, making me moan cause it feels good then i f out, and cum all over ur tIt'S
03:40 pm
No thanks. Being used and doesn't turn me on let alone make me cum.
03:58 pm
Besides with a dick your size and even with smaller ones a woman needs foreplay to make it fit comfortably. Gagging on your cock and screaming is not foreplay. Also starting off that hard just pounding away rarely makes a woman cum. I know from experience. I suspect they often lie to you. There is such a thing as too hard. Speed up at the end but don't jackhammer away right off the bat. That is selfish fucking. You spend no time doing anything to the girl. I hope you learn this as you grow up.
04:07 pm
I'm sure you can find an airhead on here that will play along and tells you she likes that. She might like it because she hasn't ever been properly fucked.
04:08 pm
Shut ur cunt ass up hoe
04:08 pm
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