Hi everyone!
first of all i wanted to thank you for your requests and subscriptions, had no idea i was that popular *blush*
i'm gona tend to those requests during the day, so some of you might be added in a few hours 😀 to all the others who won't, i'm sorry but i won't just add everybody, i did that wrong the first time and turned out not so fun...
So yeah, thanks for all the attention, i feel honoured but won't just let anybody in anymore... hope you understand 🙂
keep it hard and wet boys 'n girls! have a nice day!
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Duke"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Squire"
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解锁了一个新成就:"10 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"9 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"8 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"2 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Virgin"
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解锁了一个新成就:"1 year old account "
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Hey guys :) so this is my second profile, I'm gona be a bit more careful with what I do with this one... I actually had a pretty popular profile before which kind of got out of hands for me... some of you might miss my pictures now, well, bad luck ^^ still, that profile had a positive effect on my life, it got me to get to know the sweetest guy here on PH, and that I don't regret :) he's gona be my "Pornhubmentor" from now on (yeah tony :P and i hope you can stand up to the job :D ) so it doesn't get that much out of hands anymore... so then, who am I? my name's Melissa, I'm from Europe, allthough I live in Belgium right now I consider myself european, I don't make much out of nationalities so I don't care where you come from, aslong as you're chill I'll probably like you :) I have a pretty dirty mind, sex is one of my favourite hobbies :P as i'm in a long-distance-relationship i don't get to do it as often as I would like, luckily there is this thing called masturbation, god i love to play with myself :P

i'm a little bit of a geek, i must admit... i love to have a gamingnight with my boyfriend! i'm also a little bookworm, love to get absorbed in a good book, mostly thrillers, big fan of Jeffery Deaver and his Lincoln Rhyme Series... no, that doesn't make me asocial, if that came to your mind ;) I love to have my friends over for a houseparty, i was the queen of Houseparties at school ^^ but i'm not much of a clubbing-girl, that's true... it's just too hot, too loud and too many annoying people ^^
DEXTER!!! I absolutely LOVE Dexter Morgan... still have to watch the last episode from season 8, can't bring myself to do it cause then it'll be all over :( TBBT and HIMYM i also like to watch, allthough i'm pretty happy HIMYM finally comes to an end, the last few seasons were a little meeeh but still, i like it... now for the movies it gets a little bit more complicated, i guess i f i have to think a lot i don't have any favourite movie ^^ but that doesn't mean i don't like to watch any, most of the time when i watch one with my bf though, we don't really get to the end 'cause we mostly find something more interesting to do, cuddled up on a couch or bed ;)
i'm pretty mainstream when it comes to music, i mostly listen whats on the radio... my favorite genres are pop-rock/rock and house, i'm really not that much into rap or metal, allthough some songs i do appreciate... basically everything that goes a little too much into extreme i don't like that much...
Already mentioned the Lincoln Rhyme series from Jeffery Deaver i really like, the i must admit i'm kind of a harry potter fan, i read the books as a teenager, really loved them and thinking about rereading it all again soon... Hunger Games trilogy i also liked a lot, i like dystopias... love 1984 from George Orwell aswell as brave new world from Aldous Huxley... I also enjoy historical novels, had a great time reading Pillars of the Earth and World without end from Ken Follet... yeah that's only scratching the surface, as i said before, bookworm and all ;)
kissing... deep, passionate kissing combined with touching all over, ear and neck nibbling, dirty talk... that gets me going pretty quick ;) I LOVE to give head, especially when the guy shows his appreciation of what i do, vocal guys during sex in general turn me on... a lot... :D
just to be clear, i wont add anybody that just sends a friend request and can't even be bothered to write a little something with it, i think its pretty rude... didn't pay that much attention to it before but i really should have... I really don't like people who are cocky and think they're just awesome and irresistible... there's way too many of those...
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