

HI! I uploaded a new video on eporner. It looks like spankbang isn't going to work out because most of the videos that I try to upload there gets deleted right away. However it seems like there isn't that kind of problems with eporner at least for now lol. It's not as good or popular site that spankbang or pornhub was but at least all of my videos are now there and everybody can see them. 
New video here: https://www.eporner.com/video-5DO5Xih4pPs/pornstar-pmv-compilation-102-richelle-ryan/
All of my videos here: https://www.eporner.com/profile/VidzPMVX/uploaded-videos/
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"2 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"1 year old account "
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There is some issues with uploading to spankbang. I got 80 of the 100 videos uploaded. The remaining 20 I can't upload for some reason. I've tried multiple times but they get deleted right away. Also I can't access to my spankbang profile anymore so I made a new one. However I uploaded all of the videos to another site called eporner. It feels like a shitty site, but at least I managed to get all of the videos uploaded there lol. Also I will keep uploading the new videos to spankbang on my new profile and if there is some issues with upcoming uploads, they will also be uploaded and found from eporner site. 
Link to the 80 of the 99 PMV Compilations on SpankBang: https://spankbang.com/profile/vidzpmv/videos
Link to new videos and remakes on SpankBang: https://spankbang.com/profile/vidzpmvx/videos
Link to Eporner where you can find all of my videos old and new: https://www.eporner.com/profile/VidzPMVX/videos/
  • 4
you make a amzing work, thanks for to save my life
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Hi! I've been gathering the missing videos with my viewers and now only have one original and one remake still missing! So if some of you guys still have #53 Diamond Jackson and/or #15 Sheena Shaw REMAKE saved, please share them with us. I'm extremely happy that this many of the missing videos got saved. Wasn't expecting that, lol. Special thanks to edub2689 and GoBeyond for sharing a big portion of the missing videos. This motivates me to continue the series. Was pretty done when I lost so many of the videos but not anymore, lol.  I will probably redo the two missing ones if they can't be found anywhere and start uploading all of the videos soon on my SpankBang page. Number 100 also there soon.
  • 7
when you post the videos, send the link or something for us to find
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Hi guys! Sorry that I have been quiet for a while. Pornhub doesn't allow uploading anymore so I decided to try out  Spankb ang as some of you suggested and I just uploaded my first video there! Many of you have been asking for the old deleted videos and unfortunately I don't have much of them left because I th o ught that  they would be safe here... Sooo if some of you guys have them  or bunch of them downloaded or saved somewhere please share them with all of us so as many of them as possible can still be shared for  everyone. I'm missing 3 of the remake ones and unfortunately most of the other ones. I have 25 of them and 10 of the remakes. I will upload 99 and 100 to Spankbang and I have an ongoing special  project that includes all  100 pornstars in it  in the making. That's g oing to be a long video lol..  I don't know yet if I will continue the pornstar pmv series or start a new one or what but I  will continue making somewhat  the same type of videos for sure.     Links to my spankbang profile and the new video here -----]  https://spankbang.com/profile/VidzPMV         https://spankbang.com/4rvjy/video/pornstar+pmv+compilation+99+abella+andersson
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Main profile down

Soo it happened. My main profile got taken down. Some of the private videos got deleted and after that the whole profile was gone. Therefore  I have decided to end my pornstar pmv series after I get to no.100. I will probably continue with something different type of content at some point but right now I will get these final videos done. Hopefully I get them ready before this profile gets deleted as well lol. Thanks to you all that have liked my content and those who always has been waiting for new videos. Never thought that I would've gone this far with this series lol. 
  • 17
When can we expect the next entry? And will it be here?
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Abella anderson for number 100
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Oh damn. Following post for reupload location
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And I mean what I said, I'd actually pay 10 dollars and many more would also. I know you didn't do it for the money, but it is a way to show support
  • 1
Please reup once again, give us a chance to have you awesome library. I actually had downloaded it all but my external hd bricked.
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Find all of my videos here!: https://www.eporner.com/profile/VidzPMVX/videos/

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