yuyu4's 视频
yuyu4 暂还没有任何视频。
Waiting on pornhub update
Waiting to be verified so I can upload I decided to stay here might not be perfect but it's how you make it that counts hopefully all the video I uploaded will be back up or I will have to re-upload them myself but for now waiting to be verified then after that go to town with my content see you all soon
Sorry for not updating for a while but I'm doing a lot better now and I haven't forgotten anything. I noticed what's been happening on pornhub. Don't worry I will still be making content just not for pornhub. I will be talking about what's next and to cum next week. Thank you all for everthing all of you are the reason I kept pushing myself. The things I want to do will have to wait for next week because I still have things to handle again thank you
Release date
Next Saturday the video will drop! Sadly it will be the start of April but the only thing I have to do is add shadow,highlights,background,skin tone and make it pop a little. It's the last part when kelfa turns blue. You can see a sneak peek on what's to come but not the finishing touches yet. It's not a surprise unless u don't know what's to coming and as always be safe
Hope your doing well seem like there may have been some unforeseen problems that cause a slight delay but hope you are good and healthy in this trying time.
Everything is fine.The video is taking longer then expected on top of that I just had my wisdom tooth pulled so that was fun. But it's about finished just adding the final touches. Hope everyone is safe sorry for not keeping updates on things. With this virus my job and school I really didn't have much time for to much. If you don't see anything this Saturday it will be out next week. As always this is your world.