

简介 yuyu4
Oh hey! I see you click on my face thanks ;) welcome to my profile and my dirty little secret. I really love making joi video's for people's enjoyment. I love pleasing and making people happy. I love the different type emotions people feel(pleasure,pain,relieved ect). I would love to hear what type feelings my videos give you! please tell me whatever you like. This is fun for me and I love doing this. So Sit back relax give me full control of the way you cum and as always this is your world ;)
感情状态: 单身
城市和国家: Nashville, United States
性别: 男性
兴趣爱好: adventure
会勾起我性欲的是: Pleasing fetish
会浇灭我性欲的是: Relationships
主页浏览量: 49,163
已看视频: 110
解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"3 year old account"
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- 上传了 1 张新照片

Waiting on pornhub update

Waiting to be verified so I can upload I decided to stay here might not be perfect but it's how you make it that counts hopefully all the video I uploaded will be back up or I will have to re-upload them myself but for now waiting to be verified then after that go to town with my content see you all soon
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Sorry for not updating for a while but I'm doing a lot better now and I haven't forgotten anything. I noticed what's been happening on pornhub. Don't worry I will still be making content just not for pornhub. I will be talking about what's next and to cum next week. Thank you all for everthing all of you are the reason I kept pushing myself. The things I want to do will have to wait for next week because I still have things to handle again thank you
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Where can we see your videos if not here?
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Is there anywhere to watch your videos now?
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Release date

Next Saturday the video will drop! Sadly it will be the start of April but the only thing I have to do is add shadow,highlights,background,skin tone and make it pop a little. It's the last part when kelfa turns blue. You can see a sneak peek on what's to come but not the finishing touches yet. It's not a surprise unless u don't know what's to coming and as always be safe
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Hope your doing well seem like there may have been some unforeseen problems that cause a slight delay but hope you are good and healthy in this trying time.
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Everything is fine.The video is taking longer then expected on top of that I just had my wisdom tooth pulled so that was fun. But it's about finished just adding the final touches. Hope everyone is safe sorry for not keeping updates on things. With this virus my job and school I really didn't have much time for to much. If you don't see anything this Saturday it will be out next week. As always this is your world.
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Update upcoming release date

It's finally time! I just wanted to take some time and say seeing people enjoy my content really blew me away. My videos are being made with my biggest sexual fantasy's for the most overwhelming pleasure of all time melting your mind into insanity! Be ready because these videos are not like the older ones. The content is different and will be more challenging.
Upcoming is the first video I ever made.
Kelfa from dragon Ball super.(A remastered version) that's going to be released in March. As for the list I will post that next week once I figure out who was first. stay tuned for the list next week. kelfa will finally get her ss blue
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any updates?
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Also kunieda from beelzebub.
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Can you make a joi for lilith from Trinity seven?
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All requests are added to the list and the next update will have a release date. What I've been doing is storylines and tinkering with the different mechanics and art styles that's really about it. This was just me letting u all know yes I've seen ur requests and yes I'm working on it. Hopefully ur all having a wonderful day and as always leave a like dislike whatever u want really see u around.
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I'm back!!!! and with better and improved videos.
Why I left? I listened to some comments and different opinions on my content. I realized I wasn't giving you guys enough. so I took some time to reflect on what you guys like. What you all want. But it all came full circle. I wasn't making joi with my best efforts. I rushed the content and didn't think about what makes a good Joi. I have improved the spelling. I editing all the videos with a stronger editing platform. The quality on the videos are way better! I did so much more I couldn't do at first because of old editing software. It cost a little..... But I really do appreciate all those comments and likes I get! So I put some money down for these Joi hentai videos lol.
Big plans?
I did something I know you all would love. This will change how hentai Joi are made in 2020. I can't say much yet...... but I will say this you literally can ask for any requests now.
Have a good one
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Touka Kirishima from tokyo ghoul
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mio naruse or and others H.O.T.D would be sick
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Really looking forward for your New videos. Maybe You can do a femdom joi with Some charachters from one piece, like Nami, Robin and Boa
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Mio Naruse or any of H.O.T.D girls and some femdom but really I'm just looking forward to your next JOI videos.
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How about Avatar Korra or Harley quinn
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Marina from Splatoon! Loved the pokemon one alot!
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解锁了一个新成就:"The Prophet"
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I'm having a little difficulty with the Pokemon Joi it's probably because it's to long. so it's going to take longer to upload. Give it a few hours and it will be up. Whenever it does there are time skips u can choose. U can pick who ever u want or just play it all the way through it's really ur choice. Will update about things soon. Have a good one! Ur support means a lot to me.
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Update again!

Mercy from Overwatch is converting so.....got to wait for that. But hopefully u all enjoy it. Pokemon Elite four Joi is this Thursday! It's pretty long there's a cheat code inside or just play it all the way through ur choice. Also I will take u guys advice I won't burn myself out I'll take more breaks. I already over think in school and my job is just icing on the cake lol. If u have anything u want to suggest ask for it I will gladly take my time. As always leave a like feedback anything u want really. Have a good one.
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